I have moved from a quad stick to single cane after2 years even though my physio insists that she wants quality not proof I can get along without one hopefully in the year we are in I can improve enough to traverse from all my rooms without a stick at all then to conquer the outside
Yes and no, the pain is not subsiding any time soon soot could be a long Timmy stroke was severe so I am betting it will be a long slow recovery with many setbacks and frequent tears unfortunately
Reading others recovery updates I’m at the beginning of this marathon, would be good if I can walk stick free in and out of every room in our downstairs, and walk in and out of the front door
That’s great mrfrederickson! That’s the way I did it–Walker to quad to single cane, to no cane–took a while but I kept at it. It’s the only way!. Jeanne
Well done you. That was the path my recovery took as well. 6 years along the recovery road, I now poodle about indoors without my stick, although not brave enough to do that outside.
Thanks for confirming your recovery path and not something widely documented even here to explain how some of us enjoy a near normal life once again, great news and congratulations on your progress to date