Walking on my own

Went for my 1st walk on my own today , walked to the park across 2 roads and back again without stopping , well I’m pleased with that , onwards and upwards :+1::+1:


Well done @daveymitch :clap::clap::clap: keep up the good work.



:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:daveymitch . That’s how it works!. Every day in every way, you’re getting better and better! I found that every week or so, I could go a few steps further. Then after several weeks I could look back and see that I really did improve. Keep on “keepin’ on”! :heart:Jeanne


That’s exactly what I’m finding now , we live at the top of a hill and got a British bulldog so when the wife takes him for a walk I’m going with them
Should be good, especially now I’ve got the fatigue under control :+1::+1:


@daveymitch :clap::clap::clap::clap: that’s great you are doing so well. Enjoy walking the dog x



Keep reporting your progress here.

One day you will return and the memory of just how far you will have travelled will be there to spur you on to overcome even more challenges.

It is a long road but you will make wins and memories.

keep on keepin’ on
:writing_hand: :smile: :+1:


THat what i do now have a read back through my old posts and i see how far ive already come , looking forward to reading posts in the future



This is a great place to keep a journal of your progress.
As an added bonus, what you write gives others a direction and is a sign post along what is now a well trodden path.

In this way we help one another and those poor folk who have still to travel this way.

First thing is that we are not alone – there are rather a lot of us.
Second thing is that others have been this way before.
Third thing is that we might have left behind what we once could do but it is still possible to find a worthwhile role with those abilities we still possess.

Fourth thing is that someone could come along and extend this list so we could see where we are and where we could be going.

keep on keepin’ on
:writing_hand: :smile: :+1:


That’s a brilliant achievement :clap:. Well done you :clap:

Keep on keeping on :+1:

Regards Sue