THis week ive been having a small walk in the local park, started off with 1000 steps, now today done 2500 steps , got wife to park car nr to entrance then after walk we can drive back home , hopefully each day will get easier .
Congratulations on your achievement thats a hig increase in a short space of time. Bet it felt good to be out in the fresh air.
FElt great both to be out and to get some steps under my belt , much better than just walking the living room like i usually do
It’s a different walking experience outside to the living room & fresh air makes you feel better in my opinion.
Sounds like you’ll be back to normal step levels in no time.
i hope and pray everyday that is the case
That’s a great achievement, well done and thank you for sharing. Always great to read about everyone’s achievements.
Keep up the good work
Regards Sue
Well done,
I’m behind you, but I managed 750 metres on Sunday (previously 600 metres the week before). That’s about 1000 steps, since each step is 0.75 m, or probably less in my case. My next goal is to reach 1 km on a good day then 1 mile, who knows when and if. Good luck with your progress
ciao, Roland
@daveymitch That is wonderful…keep going and there is nothing like the great outdoors.
Well guess what? I’m looking out the window at 8 to 9 inches of snow…so off to the boring treadmill.
Blessings, Derek
That’s cause for celebration
Sorry, but I love celebrating these achievements, particularly these where you are finally getting out and about. It may wear you out afterwards but it does get better and you gradually go for longer. So well done you and keep up the good work
Well wading through the snow is also good exercise…and you have a soft landing if you fall … but seriously, lets not go there, stick to the treadmill
@EmeraldEyes Lots of lovely snow scenes to paint.
Well done. Hoping I’ll be doing the same soon. It’s a long haul isn’t it.
Derek, hi,
Did you experiment with a week off to see how the good old muscles react?
I walked another 1000 steps ( 0.75km ) this morning, It was 4 degrees, not cold at all once the walking starts. I’m planning my next effort on Sunday, trying to break the 1 km barrier ( 1333 steps ). That a lot of steps to count… perhaps I’ll lose count !
ciao, Roland
Hi Roland: I’ll know by this Saturday. Having a bad day today. Walking poorly and arm/hand, so stiff I can hardly type. Super spasms in bed this morning. It almost makes me think, what the heck, maybe I’ll start drinking my beloved scotch again.
I’m so glad you are walking so well. That’s great. Good to hear of your progress keep it up Laddie.
Blessings, Derek
Morning is the stiffest part of the day, for me too. I have not tried scotch, but a glass of red is excellent for relaxing my mind… the antioxidants are great, and it leads to efficient mitochondria energy production
good luck & persevere, ciao , Roland
Thanks, Simon
I’ll be able to roam Ikea soon, then I can come & look you up in Edinburgh!
ciao, Roland
Then go for a lie down on one Ikeas display beds - then go visit Simon
I’ve just invested in a treadmill. Enjoying it. So, I now go walking with the dog in the mornings and then get on the treadmill in the evening.
I thought you were going to say the dog joined you on treadmill