they look nice, still got jumper i was knitting about 4 years ago, its a pattern i cant do the knitting at moment as my hand is better than it was but, it took me time to do one one row, i was in poetry group, but people were more advanced, used to be in writing groups, but cant find any round here in day time, the person who used to do it in glastonbury has given it up, i seem to have lapsed into a stagnent state, i have poems, storys i have written over the years, i did go back to yoga, but sprained leg in marchand itstaking time as i have thin bones, got a scan on the 14th, blood test for memory as well
I like to make jigsaw puzzles and do some colouring. These served as good therapy for me too. I also write a bit of poetry.
My nan was a prolific knitter and used to knit teddies and dolls for the local childrens home where she lived in Australia. When she visited my dad used to put a bowl of water at the side of her chair to cool the knitting needles it was his little joke with her. My mum & both my sisters enjoy knitting, sewing and cross stitch. Those skills & patience passed me by
There are online writing groups if that would interest you. My daughter is on a few though may not be your genre, but I could ask for some links if that would interest you to get back into writing.
thanks. i have a poetry crytique group on line, i write children storys not publiished one illastrated, write about holiday s have written poetry
My daughter may know some sites then, I’ll have a talk with her later She is always writing and post her them online at something like a chapter a month; but these sites are not for selling published works.
i dont write books only short thin gs
Are you on facebook? My daughter says that’s a good place to start looking for writing groups. I’ve put an example just one UK group below, which I looked up just using the search word “writing group”. There is also Twitter where you can go to find groups too. My daughter says that’s where looked, and someone was asking if anyone else was into fan fiction to start up their own separate group I think. But it does sound like a good place to get started, in the public groups you can just ask “Are there any active writing groups in or around you area?” in order to find people a little more local to you.
thanks what on line. no writing groups in and around where i live in daytime, glastonbury street area
Facebook is online (as in the internet), these groups will be more inclined to meet online, as in, on Facebook, WhatsApp or Twitter. Do you know how to use any of these?
Tricia–Love to see some of your poetry–your writing as well, but the writing might take up too much space on this websight. I write too. I like to write funny little stories about --guess what-old folks. Well, they say to write about what you know. Ha Ha. I write about these two cousins, Harold and Frank that live next door to George( their nemisis) and across from Abigail and Crystal, whom they call the “old crows”. They get into all kinds of situations. I make myself laugh, getting them into the situations. I can’t believe you took on a project as big as a knitted jumper. When your hand feels better, and it will, maybe you’ll take up knitting again. But you can start your writing right now. Let me know if you do. (but typing is easier, right ?
I have this problem , also drop foot which is really getting me down , pain when walking is to much , I loved walking my little dog , but it’s so difficult, my legs are like lead and fatigue is horrible, I know I have a lot to be grateful for , but it’s hard going
@Maggie123 just wanted to say hi & welcome to the forum.
Have you spoken to your dr about the pain you’re getting? It’s difficult to keep moving when you get so much pain but if you can you shpuld keep moving as that might just help.
Hope you can get some respite from it soon.
Best wishes.
Ann xx
Maggie- How long since your stroke? My legs still feel heavy, after 5 years, but I still make myself walk every day–usually a mile, but it took me a long to time to get to this point – and every case is different. I started with a couple of hundred steps a day, and every few days I would add on another 30-50 steps, until I built up–but it’s still very tiring. The fatigue is horrible, I know. My doctor suggested I just do 10 or 15 minutes of an activity and then rest if I needed. Often I, and many of us, pushed myself beyond that, because I “wanted” to, but that only made the fatigue worse. It has gotten gradually better and easier over time, but I still need to pace myself. I had a foot/ankle brace (which fit inside my shoe after removing the shoe’s insole) at first to keep my foot in place as I began to walk. Maybe that would help you. After a couple of months I didn’t need it. Hope you feel better over time. Jeanne
Thank you for your kind words , it’s been 3 years since my stroke , l have a foot brace , it’s like half a shoe , not easy to get inside a shoe , waiting to for another appointment with podiatrist , GP thinks pain from good side taking the strain, unfortunately have knee pain too , a little overweight so trying to sort that too , try to pace myself with the fatigue, but always have been a busy bee . There’s lots to deal with like many others , think because I look ok , Iam tough on myself. X
Hi and thank you reply x
Hi again, Maggie–the brace I had was called an AFO (ankle/foot orthosis). They do make them for drop foot. And since the design is such that it might fit inside your tennis shoe(with the insole taken out), it might make for easier walking, since both feet would be in the same kind of shoe. Maybe that could help with the pain. I, like you, am a busy bee. It’s hard to keep that in check, and hard not to be as busy as I’d like. I’ve really tried to keep my weight down, as too much weight only makes any problem more difficult to deal with. Anyway, keep your spirits up and keep at it. Jeanne
I would love to have a show and tell space…there are painters, puzzlers, cooks, writers, gardeners, knitters, hikers and bikers here that I am aware of. And I would add athletes to the mix as well because we all spend so much time exercising. I think it would be nice to see all the things we CAN do…and are relearning to do. There is so much hope in that, and I feel it inspiring to see how others are spending their days. Sometimes I get mired in the overwhelming and don’t even think to try something old or new…just automatically think it will be too hard. I would love to see everyone’s hobbies, or jobs, or activities they enjoy.