Vision disturbance post stroke

Hi, I’m pretty new here, 4 weeks post strokes& left with a central vision disturbance. I was hoping to hear from anyone else who has suffered vidual difficulties or loss through stroke…any advice, tips, good websites for vision therapy and exercises etc. also did you suffer further vision symptoms after in recovery? I am not sure if it is because I am’looking’ for symptoms or my mind is playing tricks on me or I am getting small black/white fuzzes in the side of my visual field. My anxiety is making look for it& I am not sure if it’s normal or Im imagining it or it’s something to worry about :disappointed_relieved: I’m trying hard to overcome the fear& anxiety but its a challenge! Thanks again Kerry x


@normankerry I suffered with vision issues when I had my stroke. I had lots of vertical flashing lines in front of my eyes & blurry vision. The lines disappeared with a couple of weeks but the blurry vision & double vision still persists 17 months on but not to an extent that it interferes with daily life although does affect my reading.

I’m wondering if the black & white fuzzes in the side of your visual field are anxiety related? I used to get similar to that years ago & when I saw GP they said it is like a migraine aura & you can get it without the headache.

Try looking up things like Vestibular Occular Reflex (VOR) on google. I was told that was what I had & I was given some VOR exercises to do.

If you’re concerned you should get checked over. Perhaps an opticians visit might be worth a try.

My vision symptoms all came with my stroke & not afterwards. Anxiety could be causing some of your issues. I’m not medically trained though so if you’re concerned you should get checked over.

Best wishes.

Ann xxx


Hi @normankerry. Definitely have this followed up by your stroke after care with a referral to opthalmology if necessary or via your GP if that is not happening. I have a different issue of third nerve (and likely sixth) nerve palsy which affects how my affected eye moves but not so much the vision although this has got worse since before my accident/stroke. They say this is possibly age related change which can be accelerated with illness. Initially however I had an area that I was aware was almost shimmering so I couldn’t make it out and to be honest my vision was so messed up at that time that non of it made sense. I can at least now read which made such a difference to me about 4 months post stroke. (21 months now)
The good news is that did settle down, although the palsy and the way my eye moves has not improved but it has not got worse. Hope this helps, and all the best, Julia x


Thanku Ann thats really helpful. Did you find the exercises helped? My eyes have started to feel very dry& tired, off to get some eye drop’s tomorrow! So glad to hear that ur vision doesn’t stop u from getting on with life. Are you able to drive? Kerry x


@normankerry Hi Kerry, the exercises helped to a point but I’m still having appointments with ophthalmology for the double and blurred vision. I have been cleared to drive by ophthalmology as my issues don’t affect the driving requirement apparently. I’m not driving but that’s more to do with my mobility issues.

Eye drops might help your dry and tired eyes. You’ll probably find fatigue is playing a part too. It can impact in many ways. I know when I’m fatigued my vision is worse.

Hopefully you’ve been referred to ophthalmology. If not you should ask for a referral.

Your anxiety will hopefully settle in time too. All these things are common after a stroke.

Best wishes.

Ann xx

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hi Kerry early days yet. 6/8 weeks after I came out of hospitalwas concerned about my eyesight, bleary vision, knew I had lost some peripheral vision from both eyes left side. Wondered if it could be corrected or improved. Booked appointment with ophthalmologist. In my case he said having had a haemorrhage to right side of brain my vision was not likely to improve but my eyes healthy just the brain damage. Good news eyesight not going to get worse but not likely to improve but that’s not to say it couldn’t . So bit bullet then, had enough to get by. This is my history yours hopefully will be more posotive. Get your eyes checked out. Was told in my case eye exercises probably would not help but I know some programs are available. I wish you well. Paul


Thanku for your reply Paul, I have been referred to ophthalmology and waiting for a date. My stroke consultant didn’t say much about eyesight other than eyes healthy as urs& right side was the stroke site….time will tell I guess. I really appreciate u sharing :slightly_smiling_face:


I am in the US so many things are different here regarding health care. I have Oscillopia and Downtrending Nystigmus after Hemoragic and many embolic strokes, plus aneurysm. The issues were caused by strokes. I cannot drive but do go to a Neuro Opthamalogist. I do PT/OT for eye exercises, but am not yet ready for Vestibular Therapy. I can read for very short periods of time, so 10 or 20 minutes at a time. I appreciate the share of vestibular exercises. The eye exercises I do are very simple involving following objects side to side, and up and down. I am told to stop if I feel dizzy and only take the movement a slight bit farther than seeing double. That is helping with my peripheral vision. My mind tells my eyes and body to do what is easiest to get the job done, I don’t realize I keep my head down as that is where I see best. The exercises are to retrain my brain and eye muscles that my eyes can move and hopefully it will help my eyes to work together. Seems to be helping that as well but I will tell you I have been in therapy for this same thing about nine months now. It is slow for me. Each in his own time!

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You need to see an Ophthalmologist well versed in neurology. I was lucky to find one in New Jersey.
I had terrible double vision right after my stroke. Several degrees of Prism Lenses through the months and I am almost at the point of seeing single again without those special lenses. A regular ophthalmologist usually won’t help. The key is a Neurological Ophthalmologist, and they give you eye exercises important to recovery.
Wishing you all the best: Derek

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Hi :wave:
I had / have some visual differences in that sometimes I get blurry or out of focus.
My stroke team advised Specsavers, they did full eye scans and tests and was aware of the stroke.
They ruled out eye sight issues and I didn’t need glasses, but the optometrist explained how strokes effect the eyes, fatigue and management of it.
Mine is gradually improving but still happens more so when I’m tired.
Book an appointment and get an eye MOT to put your mind at ease X



Live in hope regarding vision improvement. Chatting with member of my Stroke group yesterday. His eyesight slowly improved over a five year period and he now confidently drives and gets about.


Wow improvement after 5 years, my 45 years old husband had VAD caused stroke 6 months back, left with homonyms hemianopia at left side, very depressed to lose his ability to drive or walk freely, this post will surely bring some hope , thanks!


Thank you Simon. I am from India and I find this is one unique forum that’s very active and caregiver like me or many others people can find realiable info , many thank to you Simon and other active members. If you can connect me to a young stroke survivor it will be great help.


I couldn’t find any in India. May be I should try to reach our hospital to get info about it.

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