Using Mirror-box therapy

Hello wonderful Group,

Today I am trying out my mirror box, again. You will see that I use it in a slightly non-standard way. If one understands, and has experienced the brain being “tricked”, I believe all sorts of new an exciting uses for the mirror-box can be found. While it is normally used for movement of a limb, here I am using it to stimulate the feeling in my foot, thereby appeasing the horrible pins and needles (paraesthesia) I get. Ultimately, the correct interpretation of the sensations occur in the brain, of course, not in the foot itself.
Mirror therapy adapted for sensation
The above links to a little video clip I just improvised.
My hope is that hearing how others use it, and sharing ideas, might lead to better therapy. Let me know if anyone else uses a mirror box, and how.
Cheers, Roland


@pando you mentioned in the topic below that it was a shame this post & that weren’t linked - or words to that affect. So i’ve copied in the link below. Hope thats ok. If not let me know & I’ll remove it.


Hi Roland @pando,
I just watched your video, really great to hear and see you rather than just exchanging messages :smiley:.

As mentioned on the hand therapy thread, I was going to look out a spare mirror tile that I’ve got somewhere to try this for myself but noted the rather natty set-up that you’ve got.

Could you let me know what make it is or where you got it from because it looks like a great bit of kit.

Take care

Rich C.


I agree, Rich.
We’re real people, and video clips can really help us express ourselves. Your turn, next!!
It’s a NOI mirror-box @£45 we got off Amazon, a year ago but it’s currently listed as unavailable
I did find this
hope that helps, ciao, Roland


Thanks so much, Ann,

I am so dedicated to my therapy, and if I can inspire anyone else along the way, that would make me even happier

hope you’re well, ciao, Roland


I think it is safe to say you’ve inspired many with your journey. Your determination shines through. Really hope this works for you.


@pando many thanks, I’ll look to see if I can find the NOI mirror elswhere

@Nigelglos what about a relatively cheap “full length mirror” such as the below from Dunelm - alternatively just search for “Cheval Mirror” as these are normally centrally hinged so that you can easily adjust.


Yes, I have 3 speeds. Low constant hum, like electricity, or static of some kind. Then regular stronger-than your average pins n needles, and finally, a raw angry nerve that has gone hyper sensitive. This can be screaming raw pain, and usually last 3-4 seconds. Right now it’s the low-key hum

ciao, Roland


The more accurately you can make it look the faster and easier it will be for your brain to accept the trick. After using it a while, I find that I am readily accepting and even eager for my brain to be tricked, and I believe a slight sloppy setup works fine at that stage. I found some half coconuts on Amazon at a price, so new ideas brewing.

Today, I have to setup my wife’s new computer ; trying to import her 939 contact address book exported as CSV or VCF from 12 years ago. Failing miserably, so using Excel to sort out fields. Joy (not!)

Good luck, Roland

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I can assure you, Simon

that it is really convincing… I don’t find any struggle there; I believe my left foot IS my right foot,
further, when I feel with my left, I believe my right foot is feeling the carpet,
it also appeases the paraesthesia (but also causes it, initially)
I am confident it is working very well… but can I improve on my current techniques? probably yes.
ciao, good luck with hand, Roland

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You are not overthinking, Nige

Mirror therapy is more common in the US than the UK
I think if your weak hand experiences some sensation, yes, that will cause interference
(I put a sock or 2 on my foot to eliminate this interference)
Yes, if the left hand can copy the movements, absolutely do, it will help the illusion
It does matter ; if it’s relatively easy to achieve, go for the best illusion possible

Good luck, Roland


Yes, when when you move closer to the mirror the sensations seems to come from the mirror. When I use the mirror I quickly believe my affected foot is feeling the carpet just fine… this because my good foot is feeling it fine but I easily get confused about which side is receiving the quality sensations. I totally think my right is feeling the carpet, but it’s my left that is feeling it. Luckily, I am easily fooled. Don’t play me at poker, please

ciao, Roland


Hi Simon,

There is an element of luck in backgammon, and if 2 players are of equal skill, luck is the only thing that will distinguish between the two. However, there is a huge amount of skill, strategy, and experience involved, which is why there is a ranking system, and the world’s best player, Masayuki Mochizuki has the lowest error rating in
the world, and wins more tournaments than anybody else, by far.

I used to play on a site called Heroes
The other site which is quite popular is called Backgammon Galaxy
I don’t play online any more.

ciao, ciao, Roland

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I found that too, so I agree completely
Back of hand and forearm ; absolutely

ciao, Roland

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I always struggled with the cupping the hand one. Took me forever to get the hang of it :sweat_smile:

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I think it was given to me as a movement & sensation exercise. After the first few weeks the pain in my arm was much less but i had altered sensation.

I think my physio demonstrated it numerpus timea but i never quite got the hang of it :rofl:

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Yes, Nigel,

Mirror neurons? Interesting, I think we stimulate the function by visualizing, imagining, dreaming (I run about in my dreams), watching others, watching videos of ourselves before stroke, mirror box therapy & “tricking” the mind, and simply the will to live. I’d love to hear about other stimulations that might help. Would you enjoy a chat before/after lunch?

ciao, Roland

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Hi Nigel,
do you think @SimonInEdinburgh would mind if we used the Thu Stroke Cafe for an hour between 3 and 4 pm ? I have to teach at 4, but an hour should be a useful amount of time,

ciao, Roland

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