Updates to the navigation and homepage

As mentioned in our September update blog post we’re making some changes to the navigation and the homepage.

  • The navigation will now appear on the left hand side and you can close or open it using the button beside the logo at the top.
  • The logo has been changed to the Stroke Association logo although the address of the forum is still mystrokeguide.com.
  • You will find useful links to our news, blogs, videos and stroke information in the navigation under useful links.
  • Messages and personal chats that you have started are also in the menu towards the bottom.

There will be a full update at the end of the month but please let us have your feedback on these specific changes in the comments below.


It looks good to me so far, I’ve no doubt some will find it confusing to begin with :slightly_smiling_face:

It was weird as the changes seemed to happen whilst I was on. I went into a post and when I came out the layout was different but couldn’t comprehend right away what it was, it takes a moment for the brain to catch up :laughing: :wink:


Hi @EmeraldEyes!

We’re glad to hear that you like the updates so far. Change can indeed be a bit disorienting at first, and we appreciate your patience as we work to improve the forum. We’ll continue to make adjustments to ensure its all working like its supposed to.

If you have any specific suggestions or encounter any difficulties though along the way, please don’t hesitate to let us know. We’re here to help and make the forum the best it can be for all our members. :blush:


Where has the bar that used to top the page gone?

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Hi just noticed a few things - overall really good…

The forum rules one let’s you post replies and has a note saying do you want to revive this aas over a year old if you try and reply so maybe read only?

Similar welcome to the forum - great but maybe one post and read only and encourage people to reply to other things but I guess that might be complicated for new people…

Just again share your story… great but then encourages people to reply and then everytime you go to that you have all the replies? I’m not sure of the solution and I think it’s a brilliant start but just thinking!!!

The users list seems to have disappeared. Is there a reason?

Overall I like it like the menu on the left and the new headers etc - still can’t see the purple question mark but don’t care :rofl:

So thanks and keep helping us all and hope to try and help in some way going forwards.


Oh and of course:

Yorkshire park becomes second largest polar bear centre in the world |  Evening Standard

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Ah ha I see you are redirecting those posts!!! gotcha but do you need help as a lot of us users are on here at strange times and maybe could try and help? not just 9-5?!?


:polar_bear: :polar_bear: :polar_bear: :polar_bear: :polar_bear:

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It took me a bit to work out how to find the new & unread posts but having navigated it a couple of times now i’m finding it ok. As long as I can easily find the new & unread posts I’m happy :grin:


Hey Bobbi,

Thanks for your question! Did you prefer the purple bar at the top? Due to a recent platform update, the purple bar has been replaced with three distinct blocks: ‘Welcome to the forum,’ ‘Share your story,’ and ‘Forum rules.’

These updates aim to create a more inviting atmosphere, encourage active participation, and establish clear community guidelines as the online community continues to grow.

Your insights are always welcome, and we’ve made a note of your comment and others, if you ever have more questions or ideas to share, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. :smiley:


What I was looking for, in particular, was the Groups block. In fact I have found it under ‘More’ with a few other bits in the Menu at the left of the text area on the PC rendering of the page.
Thanks for the reply. In general I am happy enough with the new layout.

Keep on keepin’ on
:writing_hand: :smiley: :+1:



Thanks for your thoughtful feedback and observations! Your insights help us refine and enhance the forum experience for everyone. To address your points:

Regarding the forum rules and ‘do you want to revive this’ note; we’ll take a closer look at that and consider making it a read-only section as we’d like to encourage users to post in the categories that will get the most exposure. As for the other two blocks ‘Welcome to the forum’ and ‘Share your story’ our aim is to encourage new users to have a more structured experience when they first join so limiting the engagement to those sections might be too confusing for new users.

And lastly, thank you for mentioning the user list. After careful consideration, we’ve determined that this feature may not provide substantial value to our community, so we have decided not to include it in the current setup. Your feedback is still appreciated, and we’ll continue to focus on improving other aspects of the forum.

We’re delighted to hear that you like the new menu and headers. As for the elusive purple question mark, we’ll make sure to keep an eye out for it! :smile:

As we’ve mentioned in our blog post, we’ll continue working to improve the forum based on the communities insights and look forward to your ongoing contributions. If you have more suggestions or questions, don’t hesitate to share them. :slight_smile:

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Hi Mrs5K,

We’re delighted to hear that you’re finding your way around the new forum interface. :slight_smile: Navigating through changes can sometimes be a bit tricky, but it’s fantastic that you’re getting the hang of it.

Your feedback is incredibly helpful, and ensuring that you can easily find new and unread posts is a priority for us, so we will be putting a brief video together highlighting the new features you see on the forum, this should help you adjust your settings to what is the most important and what suits you.

For the time being, would it be helpful to see a count of how many new and unread posts each Category and Topic has? You can turn on the new setting by following the below:

  1. Start by clicking on your profile photo
  2. Then click on the person icon :bust_in_silhouette:
  3. Then click on ‘Preferences’
  4. Click on ‘Navigation menu’ on the right-hand corner
  5. You’ll then have the option to pick and choose what you see in the navigation menu that now sits on the left (as pictured below).


I hope this helps! :smiley:

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Thank you Alex, i’ve done that now. I couldn’t find the navigation option on my phone app but found it on my ipad. Then i realised I needed to scroll across on my phone & ta da there it was :rofl::rofl:

Thank you for the instructions. I’d never have found it without them.

Have a great weekend.


Thank you for that. This is why I could not find the zooms!!!


You were missed and it was delightful that you were able, eventually, to join us for a little while.

:grinning: :+1:



I am no longer getting the red flags to say new users need approving, posts need reviewing etc. I’ve found it on the new navigation menu so not a major issue. It was just a visual when I opened the app to see there was some there. Is it possible to have it back? I use the app on my mobile to access the forum if that makes any difference.

Thank you

Just to add to that @Bobbi, you’ll find the top bar links in the side menu under Useful Links. This contains direct links to the content part of the site rather than just the homepage as was the case previously.

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Thank you, its not ever difficult, when you know how.
I’m beginning to get used to the changes.

Keep on keepin’ on
:writing_hand: :smile: :+1:

Hi there. It’s @IanM .I in full recovery and active within reason. Apologies for disappearing. Not out of choice. Wishing all well. Ian