Pdate, just had a letter from your stroke clinic from Norwich University hospital. Apparently my symptoms sew not a TIA as first thought, but peripheral nerve damage, that’s why my symptoms are ongoing after 6 weeks,
It’s good that you didn’t have a TIA but are they following up with you on the nerve damage as I am sure you’d liie the symptoms to ease / go away.
It would be wonderful for the siymtoms up disappear, it’s horrible to have the constant tingling in hue lrft side of my face,/lips/tongue, also it feels like something is trying to make my mouth droop as well, not nice at all.
I am awaiting another MRI scan appointment, so I am being followed up on thankfully.
at least one person noticed this for 6 months after my stroke. Then one day she said that I no longer had a drooping mouth. I felt it was (from the inside) but it no longer drooped when I looked in the mirror,
ciao, Roland
Stroke Improvement Group
That’s how mine feels, droopy inside but not noticeable from outside.
Good that they’re following up with you. Hopefully the MRI will provide some answers for you.
Then it’s probably, like me, the inability to feel what your face is doing. I used to smile in the mirror, and see myself smile, but if I didn’t look in the mirror I could swear I wasn’t smiling. Now I can feel the smile, but I just need to smile more often !!
Roland, SIG
Had to attend Norwich A&E again last night due to fresh outburst of facial tingling on both sided of my face.
Really bad feeling also headache , more blood tests and another CT scan showed no further stroke as I feared, but I was then shipped off to thrAcute Acute Stroke ward for further observation, contrary to previous information. It seems that I had previously suffered a stroke not a TIA as previously advised, also a seizure which was why I had been suffering from excessive tingling of my face and neck., first time I had been told of seizure, but apparently very common after a stroke.3 new medication tablets to combat further episodes.
Fingers crossed.also advised I need to inform DVLA of stroke and seizure.
I never had tingling on both sides. Seizure is common after stroke ; I was on a pill to prevent such an event after my stroke for almost a month. It made me have double vision, which stopped when I stopped the medication. Wishing you stability and healing,
ciao, Roland
Stroke Improvement Group
12 months of not driving would be devastating as a lot of spare time is spent with friends at classic car rallies, and I would miss driving my Bel Air😩
Would it be easier to surrender your license voluntarily, or report any strokes/ seizures online?
Annoyingly, I didn’t have an actual seizure, not in the normal perceived way, ie no actual seizure as I being paralysed or immovable, it only showed up on the CT scan and was told it was a probable focal seizure.
@Injebreck99 sorry to hear your latest update. At least you now have some answers albeit not ones that you would have wanted.
Hopefully now they know what has happened all the relevant meds & tests etc will be given/done.
I’m not an expert of the driving piece but I believe it is better to unform the DVLA yourself (i.e. surrender it) than for them to revoke your licence. You are obliged to report seizures & strokes if you have ongoing symptoms. They will then advise you of the next steps.
Best wishes
I am also suffering from double vision which I wasn’t before, what was the medication that caused yours please?
Don’t remember the name, I just called it the looney pill. I refused to take it after 3 weeks anyway, so they scrapped it off my list
I wish I knew!I have so many old and new medications now it’s very confusing!