Unable to go out

I had my stroke in June 2021 initially I was managing well but in the last few weeks I have found that my balance and fatigue problems have increased dramatically I am now unable to go out unaccompanied, as I have always been a gregarious person I am finding that my life is not as enjoyable as it once was, I have a wonderful undemanding family who I feel are noticing the challenges, take care all and enjoy your day.


Oh, Arty, please don’t get too discouraged. I went that route. It wasn’t helpful for me. My events happened in August 2021 (actually probably July but sought treatment first of August). I mentioned this because I recently had balance and major fatique issues pop up seemingly out of nowhere. I was walking 2 miles per day, but fell so many times, I became afraid to try anymore. My muscles went south quick. I cannot say what the cause was…pushing to hard for the first year out of hospital, too high medication dose, another bout with Covid, then the flu, or emotional health issues… I can say I am now almost back to where I was again (post strokes). thankfully the swimming pool will open soon where I can exercise without fear of falling. Until then, I am exercising with a good strong handhold so I can work back up to those 2 mile walks. I will keep you in my thoughts. Loneliness can be an issue when getting out is difficult. Look me up. We can chat.

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@Arty123 i wonder whether you should get checked out if these are new symptoms. Many things can cause fatigue & balance & it might not be stroke related. Worth getting other stuff ruled out then hopefully you can get back out there again.


@Arty123 maybe ask your GP to do a vitamin d check, as I was constantly tired, made me unsteady like you. my results showed I had a vit d level of 15, instead of in the hundreds. got high dose tablets to take for the foreseeable. but don’t give up


As every one else suggests, you need a check up at the docs. It could be a lack of certain nutrients, it could also mean you need your blood check and BP tablets adjusting…if you take them. It’s well worth the check up just to get back to enjoying your life once again :wink:

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Hi Arty, my stroke was June 2021 as well, and like you was doing well till about 7 weeks ago when fatigue, dizziness, balance again became a problem for me too. As others have suggested, I am going to ask for GP for Vitamin check as an answer might be found there and as I track my meals/nutritional intake I can see things could be better! :roll_eyes: But then 10 days ago my usually quite good blood pressure suddenly spiked one afternoon at 170/81 with that horrible feeling of pressure in the head, nausea…. and causing even more fatigue . I had just been asked to do a BP check 10 times a day for 2 days for an annual checkup, and caught the spike on one of those days. A similar spike caused a similar response a year ago…. And both times I could hear my pulse pounding in my ear, and felt lousy. My BP and pulse do seem to be all over the place at the minute. Today I feel a bit better. It’s difficult to know how much is still stroke related and difficult when a GP isn’t easy to see. Plus I have found that someone my age (84) simply gets a response of…ah well, thats normal for your age. It may well be, but there are also those of us for whom it is not normal! The stroke consultant I originally saw had assumed I was 10 years younger than I was because of my fitness level… but I only seem to get to talk to someone over the phone these days. :slightly_frowning_face: Ah well….Let us know how you get on Arty, and good luck, hope you pick up again soon.


I’m still trying to get my head around being sent an appointment to the geriatric clinic. I still ride motorbikes and dance to northern soul when I’m making Sunday lunch. I’m not grown up enough yet to be a geriatric person.


Amazing to be offered an appointment to see anyone!! Go and revolutionise their ideas of suitable geriatric activities :motorcycle::dancer::man_dancing: keep riding…and dancing ….just don’t let the Sunday lunch burn :rofl:


Thanks for your kind words Loraine and the hugs! These down moments do always catch us by surprise; live and learn is a good adage but sometimes the learning is a bit on the slow side :roll_eyes:…. But life would be a bit empty without challenges, so up we hop and try again!
You’ve had a bucketful of challenges so hope you’re doing okay these days. Take care, and a big hug back to you. Virginia x


Hello Poozle, sorry for my delay in replying to your message as I haven’t been at my best lately I am still having problems with my fatigue and balance and haven’t been able to go out which is annoying as I have always been a fit gregarious gentleman.
I am very lucky to have two wonderful caring daughters, I would not be able to manage without their help, one of them took me to see my GP and I have an appointment to see a member of the Elderly Medicine team let’s hope they can give me some advice I do know that I am not doing enough exercise and leading a sedentary lifestyle it’s difficult to do what I know I should be doing when I feel so fatigued but after all I will never give up as this rich tapestry of life is here to be enjoyed even at my age, take care and do whatever you enjoy doing.