I had a stroke in early September and not sure if my subsequent symptoms are related.
I have suffered from occasional twitching for a long time, but since my stroke, the symptoms are more severe, mainly when dozing or even when asleep in bed, sometimes these are so strong that if I am resting my hand under my chin as I often do,
I can knock my glasses off.,I was wondering if my medications I am now taking are a contributing factor?
I get involuntary kicks and spasms occasionally from my stroke affected limbs. I put it down to brain impulses trying to reconnect neural pathways. Sounds technical doesn’t it? Could well be part of a repair process.
Three years on from the horrid event and I’m still not ‘cured’ but there is some improvement. I promise mysef there will be more and will tolerate those seemingly random spasms as part of the process.
Maybe get a professional opinion if you are concerned?
This is a good place to get answers so use it whenever you need. There is a lot of experience here and mine won’t be the only answer.
keep on keepin’ on
It’s difficult to say if your meds are contributing to your twitches. A chat with a pharmaciat might provide an answer to this. It’s possible that it is related to your stroke & your brain being a bit damaged. I get an odd twitch in my head and I like @Bobbi have just put it down to my brain doing its repairing.
If they are causing concern a chat with your GP might be needed so they can at least rule out anything you need to worry about.
Best wishes
Hey, i get twitches and ticks in my effected left arm and hand. I was told this was due to nerve damage from the stroke. I was put on amitriptyline for the pain and that works but i still get the twitches and shakes
Hi Noface,
Twitches are your friend. Twitches are a good thing ; a bit of (electrical) rewiring going on. But (just me) I wouldn’t take TCA s even if you pointed a gun at my head.
Almost four years in April 2025. Hemorrhagic bleed and left sided stroke a moth after third Covid shot. Not sure if that means anything I am still struggling with why this happened. I was a very healthy person. Stroke in part of Mr cerebellum so no balance. Still waiting to get better.
Hello. You and many others wonder the same thing.
However, look to the future and appreciate what you have left.
Good luck with balance, ciao
Sounds like hypnic jerks if you get them while dozing. I used to get ones in weird places but I think everyone can get these at times. I still get muscle spasms four years on. I think they are harmless, maybe cross-wires in brain firing but they can be disruptive if you are trying to rest.
I never knew there was a name for those. I’ve discussed these a few times with my daughter, and she couldn’t remember the name for them either. But one theory in the world of psychology is that could be your brain checking you are still alive as you fall asleep:
Everything You Need To Know About Hypnic Jerks (Twitching Before You Fall Sleep)
Early on post stroke, I used to get them in my face and it would wake me up, suddenly. The weirdest was my upper lip. I learned to enjoy them after some time as they amused me. I like the idea that the brain is checking in with a muscle prod, I find that strangely comforting and caring.
So I’m not the only weird one here who likes their tingles and twitches Like I’ve always said, my stroke recovery is my new hobby, I just find it all so fascinating
H Lorraine,
Tingles and twitches are electrical in nature. Even if one correctly deduces that nerves are to blame, or muscles, we are entirely electrical beings ; from our brains (which consumes about 20W of electricity) to our gut biome, nerves and immune system. All the neurons in our nervous system communicate with each other via electricity. It’s the reason I keep telling everyone to ground themselves. Proper electrical grounding. We need to ground most electrical equipment so that it works properly ; so why not ourselves?
ciao, Roland