Trial of Online Exercises for Speech (Dysarthria)

University of Manchester

Keywords: dysarthria, speech exercises, online, computer, therapy

Open to: people with dysarthria (speech problems after stroke)

Deadline: 1 March 2024

Questions / How to Apply: Please email: Bethan Tichborne, or Claire Mitchell (lead researcher).

Research participation requests are sent to the Stroke Association from external research institutions (e.g. universities and hospitals).
We conduct checks on these before promoting but are not involved in their running. This means we cannot comment on trials and have no affiliation with them.

We are looking for people who would like to test a new online Speech and Language platform for the treatment of Dysarthria. The aim of this research study is to find out what people with dysarthria think of the platform. In particular we want to know if it is easy to use, and if it is enjoyable to use.

We want to recruit people with dysarthria to try out the platform for two months, with the support of a Speech and Language Therapist, and to tell us about their experience of using it. We will also look at whether there are speech changes while using the exercises on platform, and will do a full speech assessment at the beginning and end of the study.

What is the opportunity about?

We want to provide affordable and accessible speech rehabilitation exercises to people with communication problems.

This study will help us to improve an online platform for Speech and Language Therapy, making it more user-friendly and more fun to use.

The results of the study will also help us to design future research to test how effective the exercises are.

What will it Involve?

If you take part we will carry out a full assessment of your speech symptoms, their impact on your life, and how you feel about your speech. This will take around one hour.

Following this we will provide you with access to personalised exercises through the online platform for two months, for you to use at times that are convenient to you.

At the end of two months we will carry out another full assessment, and ask you for your opinions on the platform, this will take around one hour.

All assessments will take place via online video meetings with a Speech and Language Therapist.

Support in using the platform will be available throughout the study from a Speech and Language Therapist and from technical support.

Who can take part?

You are eligible to take part if:

  • you live in the UK
  • you have dysarthria (speech problems after stroke)
  • you are medically stable
  • you speak English (it doesn’t have to be your first language)
  • you have access to the Internet at home, through a laptop or tablet device
  • you can understand and respond to verbal or written questions (if you have any language, memory or cognition difficulties, these are not severe).
  • you can see pictures and text on a screen (with glasses if needed)
  • you can hear speech at a conversational level (with hearing aids if needed)
  • you do not have any progressive illness or condition, such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease.

What will you get from taking part?

You will help us to improve an online platform which may help people with dysarthria to access Speech and Language Therapy.

You will have access to speech exercises through the platform for two months and will be able to see feedback about your performance on these exercises.

How Can I Take Part?

Please email: Bethan Tichborne,, or Claire Mitchell (lead researcher),

Information on taking part in research

Research participation helps research teams to test new ideas and approaches by sharing information or trying new approaches in clinical trials.

Find out more about taking part in research

Taking part in clinical trials can support research to:

  • Stop strokes from happening.
  • Treat strokes.
  • Support people to rebuild their lives.

By taking part in research, you can help us to learn more about stroke and make a difference in the lives of future stroke survivors.

Find out about how our research has made a difference in the lives of people affected by stroke.

We have produced the Clinical Trials and Stroke booklet to explain more about clinical trials and answer questions you might have about taking part. The booklet was produced with the NIHR Clinical Research Network.

Information on Research Involvement

Research Involvement is a different way of contributing to research that involves collaborating with researchers to design decisions about how research is shaped and conducted.

You do not need any research knowledge to do this, your lived experience is what would otherwise be missing. Involvement is about contributing this to shape projects in ways that create most potential to benefit people affected.

Find out more about how to get involved shaping research.

1 Like

I am lucky enough to not have that complaint (dysarthria).

I am interested in how those with dysarthria might be able to manage an online Zoom group of their own.

With some support and encouragement I think they could create and maintain a useful tool for themselves. I’m sure they would have the skills and ability to tackle such a project.

I feel that, as someone who has encountered stroke at first hand, being able to be pro-active as opposed to being just a passive recipient, is liberating and encourages positive outcomes.

It is a big subject but it needs to be discussed and acted upon.

keep on keepin’ on
:writing_hand: :smiley: :+1: