Travel Insurance

Does anyone know a travel insurer specialising in people who have had a TIA or stroke?

Hi @PeterTS and welcome to the forum.

Travel insurance has come up before & you’ll fibd some recommendations at these links

Travel Insurance

Annual travel insurance

Travel insurance recommendations, please

As a starting point though I have used LV & RIAS. Stroke Association work with All Clear

And Different Stroke use medical travel compared.

Hope this helps.


Hi and welcome to this forum. I have always used a comparison website when travelling abroad. That way you can get the cover suitable for you, at a price you can afford. I would advise that you declare your medical history when looking for cover.

Good luck, hope that’s helpful.

Regards Sue

Thank you both. The quotes I’ve had to date - after a single event TIA in April from a variety of sources all seem very high!

I’m not sure how much you’ve been quoted but for me and hubby going to Europe last year it cost over £200 single trip. I have a few medical conditions and so does hubby so that will increase costs. Maybe it’s because it isn’t a year since your event but not sure how it works. Definitely try a comparison site but make sure it covers your medical conditions.

Thank you. I have been quoted £600 for a week’s river cruise in France and £800 for a river cruise in Portugal & Spain. Non-river cruise isn’t much different. I have other health issues but a weeks’ cover before my TIA was £250.

Hi @PeterTS - that does seem very high but like others, I’m not sure how it’s worked out. Like @Mrs5K said, maybe it’s because your TIA was recent? My stroke was five years ago and my last annual policy cost just over £400, including the US but excluding cruises.

I always use a comparison site and swap provider if I can get a better deal. As already said, it’s crucial to disclose all medical conditions.

Best wishes.

@PeterTS that does seem high. You’re not awaiting any medical tests or procedures are you? That can affect cover. Maybe it’s because it’s cruising and the cost of getting someone off a ship? Definitely shop around. Another site to try is

I’ve heard of people using staysure, insure and go as well.

Similar to this I use Give as You Live to make online purchases & they send a donation to your chosen charity at no extra cost to you. I have nominated Stroke Association as my charity although they’ll not get rich from me :grin: