Tickled to death

When I was ninety four my father would take me fishing.
In the middle of the night, when the tide was high, we would stride towards the sea front together. Waves crashed on the shore, spray rushed through the air, the wind screeched and seagulls wheeled around calling to whoever would listen.

We walked along the boards of the pier right to the centre of the storm-tossed sea. Once there we would stop and stand. My father would pull out and unravel a length of fishing line from a pocket in his mackintosh. He would then tie one end firmly to the railing and the other end to my ankle before throwing me over the rail into the black heaving water. It was an exhilarating experience but no matter how hard I tried I never managed to catch hold of a wriggling fish.

An hour or two later he would haul me back over the railings and we would return into town. Back towards a lit doorway, where I had to stand outside, dripping cold sea water. My father went inside and chatted while the proprietor shuffled newspapers into a heap. “The usual,” my father said, nodding as vinegar and salt were shaken vigorously into the pile, before it was folded into a parcel, which my father tucked under his arm. “He’s a brave lad, but he caught nothing.” my father explained as we left.

When we got home my mother stood me in front of a roaring fire, where I slowly turned, steaming and dripping, like a sort of human doner kebab. When I was no longer soaking, just damp, we sat at the wooden kitchen table tucking into our evening meal.

“I’m proud of you, lads,” my mother said, “You always bring home the fish.”

Keep on keepin’ on.
:fishing_pole_and_fish: :grin: :+1:

It serves us well to remember that much can be achieved if we are prepared to give things a try.

An 136 year old father with fishing line in his mackintosh pocket is not an essential accessory.

It will possibly be announced , quite soon, that real intelligence is not good for you and should be avoided at all costs. Only imitation will do.

Be aware, these short pieces can cause long term effects to your chuckle muscle. Consume in small quantities, with this in mind. Or end up completely chuckled like myself.


Reminds me of an old joke:
A vicar is walking along a clifftop, he passes 2 men holding a rope, there is a man on the end of the rope in the sea.
Vicar: “Well done you men for saving that man”
Mem: “He doesn’t know anything about shark fishing”


Yes, think I’ll just leave that with the ones who think they are, just keep them away from me as I’m not a psychiatrist :laughing:


And once upon a time people walked in front of motor carriages carrying a flag because they were new and scary. It was widely understood that proceeding faster than a horse could gallop gave one palpitations, was not good for a gentleman’s heart or for ladies whatsoever

I for one Will be extremely glad when the current research on neuroscience and indeed many other things is consolidated into integratable primary source from which it will be possible to extract relationships already known that yet unrecognised and/or fragmented and not possible because of the limits and speed of human minds. A hammer doesn’t replace a carpenter, it augments/ leverages so extends their abilities


On a serious note, @SimonInEdinburgh , at one time a hammer was called a Manchester screw driver. Truly. Screwdrivers were provided only to extract driven screws.
Take it from a once carpenter and joiner. Did a little fishing in my time, too.


And indeed when you are knowledgeable about the operation of a screwdriver and a hammer then the consequences of driving a screw with a hammer can be properly evaluated so that the advantages from the speed of deployment can be properly weighed against the cost in terms of strength of joint & future ease of extraction


Ps You seemed to have been absent for a few days? Been on hols?


I have been present all along @SimonInEdinburgh though perhaps not visible here on the forum, life is one long holiday in retirement, I have been busy with things at home and equally busy not doing things, simply withdrawing and relaxing.
I hope you enjoyed my tale of maritime adventures.


Id noted your seen& posted dates showed you were not entirely absent just quiet

Did your maritime story get generated? Was it ChatGPT? It is getting a reputation for straying from the truth & even the plausible. I hear the prompt that one gives it greatly influences the out put



There is also the Birmingham screw driver, similar to the Manchester variant.

Below is an illustration of an early one in actual use in the real world, when this was first discovered it took off with a bang:

Keep on keepin’ on
:bomb: :grin: :hammer:

All this after having a quiet two hour siesta.
Luckily I never discovered any of these while being dangled on fishing line.

This post contains only real ingredients and has passed through no artificial process.
It is guaranteed wholesome and is safe for babies, the pregnant and those of advanced age.


What I want to know is, did he live :cold_sweat:


At least he showed willingness to deal actively with a tricky situation. People like that are few and far between. They just don’t last, do they? .


My aged 136 year old father is still active, pushing up daisies as we speak.
He asks me how I feel about going shark fishing.
Would this be advisable as I am ninety four and have very little life experience?


My initial thoughts of you dangling on a fishing line in your white under crackers :face_with_peeking_eye: :thinking: But you being 94 at the time, emm one wonders… Strange person! :rofl:


I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather did . . .
. . . not screaming in terror like the passengers in his car.

keep on chucklin’ chuckle butties


Hammer usually know as a Bristol screwdriver when used by oat builders.


Maybe it gets the name of whatever is the local city?

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