Please excuse me if I am raising this in the wrong area (I have only just joined).
I am late 50’s post menopause, on HRT.
I suffered a TIA a week ago. Absolutely terrifying mainly because I didn’t actually realise therexwax anything wrong with me. My partner took me to A&E who diagnosed TIA and put me on aspirin until review in Stoke Clinic (end of January).
I still do not feel right. I still feel quite out of it. I have constant headaches and dizziness & palpitations. However, what is worrying me the most is quite heavy menstrual bleed. I dont know if this is something connected to the Aspirin I’ve been taking since TIA or not. I have tried to ask my GP, but I am unable to get an appointment or a message asking if this is Ok. I am not allowed to drive until I am seen in stroke clinic. I dont feel well enough to return to work either.
I’ve spoken to a couple of friends who feel it should be flagged to someone but it’s just not that easy.
So sorry if this is a ridiculous question, but would really like to hear from anyone who has a advice or experience to share with me.
I don’t have any personal experience to answer your question, but anything drug related I would ask my pharmacist. They often know more about drugs and side effects than doctors; also you can consult them without delay.
@Teresabee Hi & welcome to the community. Sorry to hear of your TIA.
I’m no expert but any bleeding post menopause should be looked into. I am on clopidogrel and also post menopause & it hasn’t caused me any problems like that.
Keep trying your GP. Perhaps tell the receptionist that you have heavy post menopausal bleeding & see if that gets you seen any quicker.
Hi @Teresabee and welcome. It’s highly likely that it’s the aspirin, they are meant to thin the blood to reduce the risk of clots and blockages. This naturally increases blood flow, hence your heavy menstrual bleed.
I have to test my blood sugar and the first time I did that after starting them, when I squeezed my finger to get just a drop of blood out, a whole spout shot up and hit the ceiling
I only had to take aspirin for the first 6 weeks after my TIA’s 4yrs ago, and then it was just Clopidogrel to thin the blood after that.
At 62yrs, I’m past all that menstrual palaver nonsense now, but I think you should phone your Stroke clinic for advice, that is part of what they are there for, you will be under them directly until they sign you off. There phone number should be on any paper you brought from the hospital or any letter/text/email you may have received from them. If you don’t have a direct number then just phone the hospital switchboard and have them put you through.
In the mean time, yes you may have headaches, dizziness, palpitations, fatigue etc for many months/years to come depending on the extent of damage/disruption caused to the brain. But also discuss all of this with the stroke team too when you call, just to rule out anything else.
Also in the meantime, be sure to eat a high protein diet to counter balance all that blood loss. Proteins are the brain’s food supply, providing much needed energy to heal and repair, take extra supplements if need be. Better yet, maybe you should have your vitamin levels tested, something else to mention when you speak with the stroke team.
Dear Lorraine,
Inhooe yoh dont mjnd me replying directly, but im so new to this and im not sure of etiquette.
I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to reply with do much valuable information. Im vefh worried but I am a worrier by nature which doesnt help.
I will try snd contact the stroke clinicvtomorrow. I havent seen yet. I will see thembgor the gidt time at the end of the month because A&E Referred me.
I have sldo noticed myvtyping is pants!!! I cant seem to get myself together with all this sonpkeas e cuse the awful spelling errors here.
Thank you for bring so hknest and sharing with me. Sometimes i think i might be imaging these sumptoms?!
Dear Ann, thank you for your message. Im typing nonsense at the moment not sure whats gojng wrong so pleasecexcuse all the jumbled typos etc please.
I did tellbthe receptionist exactly what has been goibg on but she kept saying the practice is fullbto capacity. I know they are so busy and the NHS is struggling, i really fo.
I have read about clopidogrel but it’s very expensive compared to aspirin so will see if anyone offrrs it to me.
Don’t worry about your typing, that is also your “stroke effect” as I call it but it will improve in time i.e. weeks/months/years depending, every stroke is different and recovery is different AND TIA’s are also strokes!
Keep type regardless, there more advance of those recovered on here will decipher or read around errors; there are no spelling & grammar police on this stroke forum
As a result of your TIA’s you no doubt have some cognitive disruption, and as your brain fatigues, your typing gets worse. Rest an hour/do something else for while and when you come back it will be better. You’ll probably find your not so good first thing in the morning but gradually improve throughout the day and then gradually slide backwards towards the end of the day.
Your TIS was only a week ago, it will about 6 months for your brain to recover from all the disruptions and repairs it needs to make, so be patient with yourself, this is a marathon, not a race, and it can’t be rushed. Push your brain too hard and it will push back by way of extreme fatigue that will take a few days to recover from. Your brain really is in charge now, for the foreseeable future
Firstly can I just say there is no such thing as a ridiculous question. If it is something that is important to you it is never ridiculous.
As the others have said I would advise that you get some professional advice and I would think that the pharmacist would be the quickest way to get some advice. Good luck and I hope you get some help to put your mind at rest.
Look forward to hearing from you as your recovery continues.
No apologies necessary. No judging here on typos etc. I make loads & often have to go back & correct them.
I think your surgery are being a bit unfair but i do understand that they are struggling too. You could try talking to 111 too. I know they have access to gp appointments that you can’t access through the surgery. There’s no guarantees but nothing lost by trying.
@EmeraldEyes suggestion of ringing the stroke team is a good one too. Even if you aren’t seeing them till end of month you’re still under their care.
Hi. @Teresabee I’m a newbie too. I am already reaping the benefits of the advice from fellow stroke warriors here! Were you given the number of a community stroke nurse? It may be hidden in your discharge letter.
I’m sorry you are having difficulties accessing your GP. I am very lucky in that respect, sadly these days it can be a bit of a fight to get the support you need. 111 is a good idea from @Mrs5K
May be worth asking to speak to the GP practice manager . At our surgery usually easier to get through 1.30pm onwards. I know how hard it is to make the effort when you feel “fluffy brained” and thinking seems to take more energy than you feel it should (and it seems to take ages sometimes to get my " ducks in a row" but I get there.) I’m on anticoagulants for a mild heart issue, but haven’t had bleeding probs just bruises appear. Mind you I’m 80!!
Welcome to the community, I’m sorry to hear about your TIA.
As others have said, there’s no need to worry about typing in the wrong place or any typos.
I’m pleased to see you’ve had lots of helpful responses and I hope you’ll continue to find this a useful space to help you get answers during your recovery.
If you need anything whilst you’re using the Online Community please don’t hesitate to tag me using the @ symbol and my username.
By the way, because A&E referred you, the stroke team should have your notes by now and you are now under their care. So tell them you were referred when you phone them.
And it’s always good to write down all the questions you need to ask and the answers. Our stroke brains are like a sieve in early post stroke, information can fall straight through even as it is coming That’s because our brain is too caught up with the clean up after the stroke
Thank you Snna.nyes, inhavdxreceived quite a few responses abd it’s so lovely tonknow people are really supportive and willibgbto share their knows with me.
Deaŕ Lorraine, the stroke cljnic called me this morning and offered me an appointment tomorrow as skmeone cancelled. I obviously acceped and theybtold me to be prepared to be there for up to 4 hrs fir anyctests, etc.
Im so relived because I knownit sounds odd but my symptoms seem to be getting worse. I feel so tired i just have overshelming needcto sleep for last 2 days and this typing thingnis really weird.
Im goingbto jot down everything inn prrparsyion for tomorrow. I hope they are understanding as you have all been.
Take care
Hello bagrat (what a eonderful name) thank you for you message. No numbers in my dischare letter. But I was called and offered appointment inStroke clinic tomorrow am. I called 111 at 11pm and was called by 5 or 6 people who hadvto get advice about the bleeding with aspirin and the lastcallnwas just before 6am from a prescriber who ssid carry on taking the Aspirin. I have continued but I am bleeding alot which may be why I have zero energy.hopefully they will know tomorrow. Youbtake care of yourself and thank you again.
Thanknyou Ann. Im not surr ug i have already replied. Just ignore me if i have. Take care and i just got unlucky with GP surgery the othercday. Normally they are brilliant. All ag breaking point i think.
Thank you for the update. Try not to read to much into what is happening until you get some answers tomorrow. If they are allowing 4 hours, sounds like they are going to have a good look at you. You will be tired by now which makes everything seem worse. Progress in this situation includes days when things seem worse not better but then things improve again. I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow. Wendy
Glad you’ve managed to get an appointment tomorrow. When I had my tia i was at the clinic for hours. They did a scan and bloods etc whilst I was there & I saw the consultant twice whilst I was there so you may find you get the same.
Oh @Teresabee I am so pleased you got a stroke clinic appointment for today. I know, it’s 1am and I’ve not gone to bed yet , you probably won’t read this until after you get back. But by then I’m sure you will be ready for a nap anyway
Might be an idea to take some high energy snacks with you to keep you going if its going to be 4hrs. Blood loss can lower your blood sugar levels; that’s why they give you a cup of tea and a biscuit after donating blood It can also lower Iron in your blood which also causes symptoms like extreme tiredness, headaches, dizziness etc. So you’ll be in the right place to get answers to all that
So make sure they do check your nutrient levels in any blood tests they do.
Oh, and take your partner or someone with you to take notes for you