Thursday Afternoon Cafe

Morning you fabulous lot :flamingo::flamingo::flamingo:

Just a quick reminder that the Thursday online afternoon Zoom cafe is, once again upon us, so feel to drop in from 1pm today

Just click the link

Lea and Simon :heart:


It’s 1pm, @Moonie66 :grin:


But it will probably go on for a couple of hours so anyone please feel free to drop in or out and don’t feel you have to have a camera on or speak!!!

I promise to mute myself for most of it :rofl: :wink: :polar_bear:

K :wink: :polar_bear:

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I kept telling everyone I was not worried about the physical aspect, but the emotional and cognitive. Guess what they helped tremendously with? And guess what there was no help with, until I found you all. I enjoyed seeing you today. Hope I will again soon. Have fun with your crew!