The Shakespeare Express does 1.1 km

Good day, wonderful people,
I said I would not brag about every increment I made. Well, maybe I shall. I did 1.1 km @ Blaise Castle this morning. It was tougher than a visit to Hogwarts Castle and back since I had paraesthesia from the first step. It took me 1.5 hr but I feel good now, and ready for my after-lunch nap.
ciao, all, Roland

…and my latest watercolour; the Shakespeare Express which I aim to emulate


Don’t ever apologies for the need to share your achievements no matter how small. No one can appreciate more fully than fellow stroke survivors, the effort ever gain takes no matter how small.

And besides, that painting speaks to me, I love it . . . haven’t figured out what it’s saying yet 'cos its whispering, maybe I need to turn my hearing aid up :rofl:


Brilliant achievements :clap:. You must be really proud of yourself. Love hearing about everyone’s achievements. Thank you for sharing.

Regards Sue


Well done Roland @pando love hearing about achievements so please keep sharing.

And your painting is just awesome. :blush:


I just gave some tips on walking to someone who very likely walks better than I
Anyway here is it

I would rate the following as essential at least for myself ;

  1. Vibration board ; vibrates from side to side and strengthens bones … I use it to stimulate nerves and appease my paraesthesia
  2. Treadmill which I have setup in the garage. Every other day on average. I also have an exercise bike set up behind it, which I will start on soon.
  3. Physio to work my glute-medius. Our glute muscles are incredibly switched off after a stroke ( so we use our Quads too much ). I do sit-to-stand and stairs and many other exercises thinking and activating the Gluteus Medius consciously
  4. Great sleep, supplements, essential oils, naps, great mood and working spirit, and do not shy away from inventing you own exercises. These will instinctively home in on exactly what you need.
  5. Qigong. It’s a great discipline, and wonderful gentle movements. I would put on the music you love listening to. In fact, that could be a tip in itself. Music activates the brain.

In addition, I was compiling a list of essential oils (another trick up my sleeve) that could help with peripheral neuropathy, such as the paraesthesia I battle with.

• Copaiba for nerve endings
• Frankincense for brain cell to nerve connections
• Peppermint with its antispasmodic properties
• Oregano a potent analgesic
• Lavender providing relief from numbness and pain
• Tea tree oil or its anti-inflammatory properties,
• Eucalyptus particularly for foot pain
• Ginger root calms irritated nerve endings
• Rosemary oil reduces swelling and inflammation
• Helichrysum encourages nerve regeneration

Also, I use lemon and sandalwood (it’s expensive) quite often.
Hope this helps, ciao, Roland


Excellent achievement @pando and that terrain won’t be the easiest to walk on. Fantastic painting too.



Thx Steve,
yes, the grass was long and uneven for 50% of the way. I feel comfortable in that if I fall it’s a soft landing, compared with tarmac. But with shorter grass, near the edge of the field, I would have struggled less.
ciao, Roland