The Journey

Hello All.
I recently had my first anniversary.
Yes, It has now been a year since I had my stroke when things changed. Unbelievable, it feels much less than a year.

What can I tell you since day 1?
Things do change for the better. Some slowly it seems. Sometimes almost unnoticed.
I keep a daily diary which helps and still find it useful. I have improved.
The ‘experts’ told me that the most important thing is that you want to get better and fight for it. No argument there.
I lost a stone almost instantly and have so far not found it again!
I can now drive. I do not venture too far, but its good. If I drive for about half an hour to a supermarket, shop, and then drive back, thats enough.

What needs improving still further?
Fatigue. Often I get to the afternoon and then I can feel the fog coming on. Getting too tired effects all my other stroke symptoms.
Sensation. Feeling down my right side changes almost daily. I thought I was winning but its stubborn like me! It can get very sensitive just touching it or if I touch something cold. I can go for a walk, in fact I can get a move on, so long as I concentrate on what I am doing with my lower leg.
Sleep. This can be a problem sometimes. Either I take ages to go to sleep or I wake far to soon and can’t nod back off.
Speach. This becomes slurred the more tired I get. I don’t always notice it!
Words. I still can’t always get ahold of them. Word association does help, for instance, penicillin - ‘pen and ceiling’.

What else did I do?
Amongst other things, I have had more time to get involved in the community where I live. I have made new friends. It is surprising just how many have suffered the same fate. Good to chat.
Laughter is a very good remedy, as well as home made cake (my own point of view of course!).

Finally, the Stroke Association website I rate as good, and the forum excellant. Its the people that make it. A bit of relief in a difficult situation.
SimoninEdinburgh has pointed out more than once about using the magnifying glass in the top right hand corner for searching. It seems to works well.

Thanks to everyone who takes the time to post something on this forum.
Keep smiling and pushing on…


Hi @Poncho

It’s great to hear of the things you’ve achieved since your stroke and I hope the difficulties you’re still facing will improve for you over this next year.

It’s lovely to know how useful you’ve found this community, there’s so much knowledge here for everyone to tap into that can help so much with the recovery journey.

Wishing you well for the next year of your journey. :slight_smile:



@Poncho thank you for sharing your story of the last 12 months. It is good to read of the progress you have made & the positives thar have resulted from your stroke. None of us would have chosen this path but i too can see some positives from it.

I couldn’t agree more about the wanting to get better & fighting for it. The fight, and in my case, shear stubbornness that has got me so far.

Here’s to more progress happening for you over the next 12 months.

Best wishes



Hi Pocho, its posts like yours that are so invaluable to the new members of this community. We are all in despair when we first join this and you give them hope for a better future!

:point_up_2: And that’s exactly where it all begins :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you for your story and I look forward to many more stories of you continuing progress :smile:

Stroke Improvement Group


Hi snd thank you for sharing your road to recovery, and for writing in such a positive and inspiring way. I’m sure that the newcomers here in this community will have found your post very helpful.

I’m so pleased to hear that your recovery is going well. Everything you say will resonate with someone here and will encourage them to stay strong and ‘Keep on Keeping on’ :blush:

Thank you for sharing and keep us up-to-date on your progress.

Regards Sue


Hi Poncho, Ive also had a stroke 11 months ago, my energy is low, I only walk in doors unaided, walk with frame outside for two streets and back. Hi have started using my right hand to write inthe pats month. My stroke nurses are brilliant. I don’t drve yet and have to renew my licence next month. It’s a marathon not a sprint i tell everyone. It’s like having the flu everyday. Good luck we have to work hard to combat our illness.Take care.