The Feedback Form

Dear Admin,

Where is the Feedback Form’s home?
It’s in the side bar menu, under “More”…meaning you have to guess to find it and if you are new to this forum just clicking on everything and anything until you find it. Eventually you may (or may not) stumble across it if you happen to click on “More”, then lo and behold that’s where “Share your feedback” will be found! Who’d have thought :thinking: Certainly not any new members to the forum who already struggle navigating it! :face_with_spiral_eyes:

It would be most helpful if this could be moved to the root menu of the sidebar, say directly under, or above, the “Community rules”, I’m easy either way :wink:
That would be a nice easy obvious place, a handy place for when someone suddenly has a bright idea to suggest to admin and want to get it down before they forget, because it would require no hunting around for the form.
A brilliant idea, isn’t it? :grin:

But on the other hand…
You have an Online Community category which, if I’m honest, I don’t quite understand what its for these days…presumably just for Admin to “keep us informed” now. :confused:
But why not also have a “Forum feedback” Category instead of a stupid form you are never sure actually works? Now that would be useful!
And that I am very familiar with, from many other forum sites used in the past, so why can’t Admin do the same here? So much easier for everyone.
Oh, and if you don’t want it to be seen by the public, you could just make it a closed category like the Lounge.
You could even make it available only to trust level T3 and above, if you’ve got trust issues.
Now that would make life so much easier to post feedback, particularly for new users who have enough issues navigating full stop never mind navigating the forum.

Anyway, I’ve decided to start using this Online Community category as my feedback form from now on.
The reason being that the form just doesn’t work for me. I can’t see some of the boxes to fill them in, it’s confusing and all the text is too small which creates part of the confusion. And before you suggest it again, I have aphasia so there is no way I’m going to try and garble my way through an explanation with the Service Desk, but I can type it just fine!

Also, there seems to be a Login button in the top right of the screen on that feedback form (I’m using a pc) that I don’t know if it is necessary or not. More confusion to add to the confusion. Despite already being logged onto the forum, I tried that login anyway and it didn’t recognise my password hence the confusion.
I struggled through filling out the form with some help and eventually sent it off into the ethers never to be seen or heard from again; so I don’t really know that it actually worked :face_with_diagonal_mouth: And, as Maggie Smith once said “at my age I haven’t got the time”! So this is how it has to be from now on.

So here I am upsetting your order of things once again. Every other method of communication with Admin has been blocked, they seem to have gone into permanent incommunicado; so this is what I’m having to resort to. And in answer to one of the questions that feedback form asks, good ratings have to be earned!

The Ratings should never be a “Required field” to complete. You’re just asking for trouble if you are forcing folks opinion like that. That should only ever be an “option” freely given not a requirement, not a demand! So I can only presume it’s to put people off as they can’t complete the form without giving a rating.

So far, all I ever see are Admin’s dictates and demands as to what they want from us. But I’m not seeing anything forthcoming at all from Admin that could possibly help make this community a better place. Why is that?

What do you actually do for the forum?..apart from making mountains out of mole hills.
And yes, I’ve read the whole of the “Community update – why we need your feedback” post, more talk with no actions! How many years of meetings, discussions and votes etc. does it take to decide whether to increase the number of Likes button for T3’s and above for instance? I’ve waited nearly 2 years already and heard a lot of empty promises being made! No wonder people are leaving.



I have had all of the same issues you have mentioned in using the feedback form. I have sent twice but have had no replies.

I am saddened by the lack of responses over so much time and the defensive at first, then offensive manner, questions and concerns have been treated.

I am grateful for the many wonderfully helpful lived experience folks I have spoken with and learned from here. I am so sorry for those in need we have missed along the way due to inability to let some know someone is there to help, has seen their post, heard them


I couldn’t agree more with @EmeraldEyes and @DeAnn
What you seem to forget is that the majority of folk on here have suffered a brain injury and as such, unfortunately, they don’t function as well as they use to.
So cut some slack and stop making things more difficult for the survivors/warriors/thrivers on the forum.
Show some empathy, understanding and compassion like a normal functioning human being because one day it could be you seeking advice on the forum!


Me too @BakersBunny, think @EmeraldEyes summed it up perfectly and @DeAnn has confirmed it.

I managed to complete a feedback form a couple of weeks ago but had lots of problems doing so. Firstly, the text didn’t ‘wrap round’ so it was hard to check what I’d already said. When I submitted it, it seemed to hang in the ether for ages, so much so I left it and returned a while later. Miraculously it had been submitted so I then got a ‘copy and paste’ reply.

I certainly wasn’t confident at the time that anything I’d said had been noted. I’m still not confident that anyone will take any notice of feedback. I say this as a former civil servant who was sometimes involved in seeking feedback and then nothing coming of it.

We’ve lost good people from this forum and we need to see changes that will bring those people back/not lose more people.


Heck I forget my disabilities some of the time :laughing:
Its only when I come up against a brick wall that like this that I’m reminded😖

But why do they have to make such a big deal over the smallest of changes that won’t even “impact” anyone’s experience on the forum, certainly not negatively. It certainly doesn’t warrant an in depth level of investigation and testing as layout in the “Community update – why we need your feedback” post. That’s just time and money wasting in my view. Maybe the department is just a one man band working part-time or voluntary once a week. In which case nothing will ever get done.