Thalamic stroke

Has anyone else had a left Thalamic stroke. I had one 18 months ago. It has affected the sensory feeling all down my right side. It's very frustrating, changing at times to being very tight, is this normal? It's hard to find info and GPs admit they don't know very much!!

Hi Tricia_60,

I had a right sided lacunar pure sensory stroke in June last year. My primary symptoms were a total loss of light touch, deep touch, pain and temperature sensation involving the whole of my left side. This has modified over time to become a palette of various levels of sensation including tingling, burning and now ironically, areas of uncomfortable hypersensitivity on my neck, hand, arm and foot. My consultant at the stroke clinic has suggested specific medication for the discomfort but, as he said they cause drowsiness, I am holding off unless the condition worsens. I currently find both gentle sensory massage and mindful meditation very helpful.

You are correct in saying that ‘ours’ seems to be the forgotten stroke with GPs knowing little about prognosis or therapy - and If one more person tells me I ‘look fine for someone who’s had a stroke’ I’ll ? ...!! Anyway, my wife is a medical academic and coincidentally this morning I asked if she could run a literature search for any recent publications regarding pure sensory stroke - I will pop back if she digs-up anything interesting.

Take care, Peter



Hi Peter, better late than never I'm replying. I had given up finding someone else with similar. If it wasn't for an actual MRI showing the problem I would think I was going insane. 
Yes at the time everyone kept saying you look so well for so wow how has had a stroke!! ??

my whole right side had the sensory problem and sometimes it just feels so heavy. I've tried Mindfulness and am currently looking for a course. I had retired a few years earlier due to fibromyalgia and never know if my fatigue is caused by it or the stroke.

am interested if your wife found anything. Had just written a new post when I found your answer. 
hope this post finds you well.


Hi Peter, better late than never I'm replying. I had given up finding someone else with similar. If it wasn't for an actual MRI showing the problem I would think I was going insane. 
Yes at the time everyone kept saying you look so well for so wow how has had a stroke!! ??

my whole right side had the sensory problem and sometimes it just feels so heavy. I've tried Mindfulness and am currently looking for a course. I had retired a few years earlier due to fibromyalgia and never know if my fatigue is caused by it or the stroke.

am interested if your wife found anything. Had just written a new post when I found your answer. 
hope this post finds you well.


Hi. Yes I'm in the same boat as you. I had a Thalamic stroke August Last year ages 47. My symptoms are still the same 7 months later. Have yours not improved in 18months? I'm on gabapentin 300mh x 3. I'm now seeing a private consultant as like you say GP seems to not know about this type of stroke. He's prescribed Amatryptalin which I've been on for 4 weeks now. I've managed 20mg but can't up it any more as it makes me so drowsy. He said to give it 8 weeks total before he tries me on something else! All just more drugs that I don't want to sake with no other solution. 
my left side is affected & like you say feels right & heavy. I find sitting particularly uncomfortable.

Hi Mako, that was an old post I'm now 3 and half years. Symptoms are unfortunately the same. I got relatively little help: attending a physio group to help with pacing and of course drug medication which as you say leaves me drowsy but am retired so can cope but do feel I'm missing out. I heard something about neuro physio but can't find anyone who practises it. 

Hi Tricia

Have you looked at - they have a patient section and within it, Neuro Physio section for finding a local Neuro Physio.

We decided that once NHS Outpatient Physio ended my husband needed regular ongoing Physio for his left shoulder/ arm/hand/fingers.

We have continued with our Neuro Physio privately since last summer and she has helped enormously with my husband's ongoing recovery.

Wishing you all the best 


Hi Peter Happy New Year! Did your wife ever find more material about or type of stroke. I found my last reply repeated 4 times so I’m doing something wrong on this site!
Hope you’re coping?

I know yours is a post from years ago but I am a thalmus stroke survivor (7months) and am struggling with the pain and stiffness.

Did you every find any relief or recover somewhat?

@Tricia_60 I just noticed that you were originally posting about this thalimic pain /stiffness.

Have you been getting any better by any chance?