Sudden change in speech - gibberish!

Hi all, hope you are doing well
After my TIA in nov 2018 I had episodes of long effortful speech. They started suddenly and resolved slowly sometime in a few minutes. It as long as a week. This has slowly got worse since 2018 with more episodes. It’s taken me to hospital a few times as it hadn’t gone normal after a few days. CT & MRI scans come back with no changes - the medics resorted to saying it was a migraine. I went along with this until march. I knew it wasn’t a migraine but no one listened. Last Saturday it got worse and I started talking gibberish. Another ED visit and this time a stay on the stroke ward. It too til Wednesday for my speech to be back to normal. The consultant and SALT were great and listened. They agreed it wasn’t migraine. And started me on aspirin to go with my cloppy. The idea was I was having lotta of TIAs and the aspirin would stop it. Yesterday in the supermarket I suddenly started talking gibberish again. If the aspirin doesn’t work I need an EEG to check the electrics.
Has this happened to anyone else - intermittent changes in speech from normal to slow and effortful and than a sudden deterioration to talking gibberish? Does anyone have an ideas or experience of this. Doc put expressive dysphasia on my discharge sheet - which I think is right - but no one else has given me that diagnosis. Needless to say I’m a bit anxious now.


That sounds alarmingly precarious for speech to just come and go. If I were you I would study the human brain (Broca’s area), study what neuroprotective supplements might help the brain (Shilajit is one) and start taking matters into your own hands. When it comes to a stroke / Tia we’re on our own, meaning that it’s time to do something that will help yourself, not wait for someone to come along and save you. You may reject this advice, thinking it’s madness to take matters into your own hands, but if you chip away following your instincts and growing understanding, that knowledge you build up will always serve you in the long run, Good luck!


This must be so difficult for you. I don’t know anything about it but has anyone explored FND with you? I have geard of people with this suddenly start speaking in different accents etc. Have a look at

Hope it resolves soon.

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