Stroke ended my marriage and changed everything

We do all know and understand and understand because we are all in the same boat with varying degrees of the same condition. It’s why we are here, because no else can possibly understand what we are going through…unless they go through it themselves…and who would wish that on anybody :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

How is it for you navigating the internet in general or is it just this site you are unfamiliar with? Is it the stroke/aphasia effects that are the issue? It took me the part of 2yrs to finally manage to get on this site because of the stroke/aphasia effects. I’ve only been on since last March but it has helped me enormously with both my aphasia and physical rehab like finer motor skills of fingers. All the mental juggling and recall of conversations as well as using all the functions of the site. I never did figure out how to ask my hubby to find and sign me up for this site but I got there myself in the end :laughing: I’d say my aphasia in general has improved by about 80% since I had stroke 2½yrs ago and a good chuck of that has been through helping on this site :smile: Count your blessings, not your troubles :wink:

If it would be useful with your aphasia when out and about, you could order one of these wallet sized (85x55mm) plastic card carries, free from the Stroke Association
Communication card | Stroke Association shop.

Or make your own

I made something similar and found it quite useful, though didn’t need it much as had my hubby with me. I thought it might be useful when out and about but we were in lockdowns at the time and taking in deliveries didn’t require much conversation :laughing: But I was pleasantly surprised just how helpful it was in places like the post office or supermarkets even with the postman :smile: In fact, one checkout woman in the supermarket recognised the condition as she’d heard on the news about Bruce Willis having it.

I don’t know how useful this might be to you, I just came across it while looking for the card above so I’ve not actually read it.

Ah, but for what :thinking: :laughing:

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Thanks for your reply. I do fight off the despair but I find the periods of feeling unwell stop me doing so much. Headaches and weakness a falling asleep all the time drive me nuts. My ex husband still manages to let me know that I don’t try hard enough and I left him so I’ve given up explaining now. Some people have no empathy so it’s useless.
My new man friend has now
found someone else who doesnt get this stuff and can ride bikes and be active I’ve found it painful to endure that he’s done this… He still rings me and occasionally pops down but being happy and cheerful desert me sometimes. I think that the isolation this stroke brings about is what needs to be addressed and it’s no good trying to explain. People’s eyes glaze over so it’s best to keep it short and sharp. I’m joining things where I can take part I hope. Thanks for your kind thoughts.


It’s this site in particular that I’m struggling with. I only have my phone, no computer. Are there meet-ups and things here? Maybe I’m on the wrong section? Struggling to concentrate


I posted the details of groups and online meets for you in this thread (stream of messages) above - scroll upwards by stroking your phone screen from bottom to top and youll scroll backwards through the messages. The details I’m talking about are about 5 messages back - immediately before emeralEyles post that also gives useful links for stuff, alternative way to get to it with this just to tap this link Stroke ended my marriage and changed everything - #21 by SimonInEdinburgh

Are you using the app on your phone? I find it most convenient I don’t use a computer for this site.

You can download the app by following instructions on this link

I’m prepared to give it a go to try helping you do that - alternatively or possibly as well if you know a teenager they’ll be able to follow the instructions like an expert! :slight_smile:

Caio simon


I struggle with it on my phone too so I only tend to access on my computer, I know where I am with that.

As @SimonInEdinburgh has said, he has already given you all links to both online and in-person groups including his Thursday Online Cafe just click on the blue text to take you to the post where you can find access to that. Thursday online ‘cafe’ also Carers & Young person’s


I’ve downloaded it! Yey! Thank you!


that is great - well done
:slight_smile: :slight_smile: