Stroke Association anthem

I was doing some ironing this morning and to make it as painless as possible I was listening to music.  I just go on to YouTube and press play on whatever I fancy. This morning it was Joe McElderry The Climb. The words were so perfect for us in my opinion. Hard to iron when you've got tears running down your face. Glad my husband was at physio he would have thought I was bit mad . What's new?  Worth a listen.  

Will check that out Kay, thanks for the tip!!  Don't worry about the tears, it will give you extra steam, making the whole job much easier!  I once burnt my stomach when trying to iron whilst only wearing my underwear - had the scar for years!!  Stick to tears xxx

Even more tears now! From laughing.  Thank you! ??? xx

Not laughing about you getting hurt. Sorry if it appears that way.  x

You're welcome - I've got lots more disaster stories if ever you're bored!!


Me too! Managed to cut an artery picking up my gardening gloves down my allotment! ! OK I decided to reach forward instead of walking to more steps.  Over balanced and put my hand out. Pity I was in the greenhouse.  Hit a pane of glass which broke cutting my arm. Off to the hand clinic at East Grinstead. Loads of exercises later got back to work. Let's hope for no disasters for us all over Christmas and New Year xx

OOoooh can't match that scary incident - not even close.  Angels were looking after you on that occasion ? xx

Stay safe ?

Haha, no my stupidity was shared to hopefully raise a smile - I'm always fully dressed now when (if) I'm ever doing any ironing!!  Lesson well and truly learned ? irons are dangerous things avoid them at all costs!

xx  Have a safe day - I'm off to chop kindling ?

Thanks for this Kay. Not being much of a music listener I went on to YouTube and found it. It had much the same effect on me.

Glad you liked it .?

Hi Kay, I took a quick look at the lyrics but not listened yet, will do that soon.  Certainly seems a good anthem for SA - great idea ?

Just put it on myself. It’s a climb for me sometimes, too. Xx

Glad you liked it.  Seems to strike the right note. Recognising the effort needed to strive to recover from a stroke without being too sad. Not that it was written for S S. 's and their families. 

Just remembered it's the first Strictly free weekend. No wonder my husband is smiling.  Roll on Christmas day xx