Stroke aphasia or migraines or both?

I had a stroke in 2018 and had mild aphasia - long slow telegraphic speech. This happened occasionally and often got triggered when I had a migraine. But would happen when I was overloaded or stressed or tired. It had slowly got worse since 2018. I have ended up in hospital when my speech hadn’t returned after 2 days - lasting as long as 10 days. Until on the 14 sept when my speech turned into gibberish. another hospital stay thankfullg on a stroke ward and i finally got an expressice dysphasia diagnosis. it returned to normsl after a few day. but it kept coming and going until the 22nd wgen it went and hasnt comback. i emailed my neuro doctor who says its migraines. its very difficult to live like this - talking jibberish. migraine aphasia is transient. has anyone ekse had this hspoen? taljing jibberish contantly for 5 weeks. My language doesn’t seem as good either. I want get back to work. I want to get pip but don’t know if I will get it. My gp is great - but I am really confused - I want a new neurologist for a full assessment as my current one always says migraine. Never an acceptance that I had aphasia from my stroke/TIA ( Broca’s) can anyone offer any insight or advice.


Hi @Debchips

Wow that’s was a sad story to hear It’s now turned into a long(er)-term issue - I know you’ve posted bits before . I really can’t begin to understand how alienating it must be - so sorry for you :frowning:

I may have made these suggestions before as well

Contact - if you need help mention it in our WhatsApp :slight_smile:

Your frustrations seem to overlap with @Augustus :frowning: chatting together may help through sharing (Augustus we’ve a WhatsApp you can join via this link WhatsApp Group Invite - Debs is already there )

Maybe Andre at

Can help - again I’m happy to reach out on your behalf (just guessing because he runs a company that creates an app for speech and swallowing issues so maybe connected to people who have expertise - don’t know for sure though :frowning:

There are phone apps that will vocalise text and there are lots and lots of sources of exercises but I guess your problem is between the ears and so the apps may not help.

There are lanyards & flashcards to say "I have…please be patient”

If you don’t know how to get a new neurologist then contact your local patients advice line - a service run by the NHS and normally shortened to PALS their role is exactly what you need - to get the people you need to be helping you.

Someone who doesn’t just gives you a single and unhelpful answer is doing nothing to empathise with your emotional needs let alone being adequately curious about how to solve the cognitive challenges.

They need replacing :frowning:

You should also ask th SA helpline 0303 3033 100
and Stroke Helpline | Stroke Association who your local engagement officer is and then enlist there help - again let me know if toy need help

Ps give the cat a scritch behind the ears

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@Debchips sorry to hear you are still really struggling with your speech. It must be extremely frustrating for you.

Everyone is entitled to a 2nd opinion. You can try soraking to PALS as Simon mentions or you could request through your GP although there may be a long wait.

Have you noticed anything specific that triggers these episodes? Wondering if there’s a pattern and whether you could tackle it from trying to change / avoid the triggers?

Sending my best wishes.


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