Storm Bert

Hi everyone Hope you are all tucked away warm and safe away from yet another storm😊.

I really don’t understand men and their football :confused: My husband is spending this afternoon watching his favourite football team (Millwall) and our Son is watching our grandson (4 ) at his first football training session.

I really don’t think I would like anything enough make me stand outside in this weather :weary: :smiley:.

Stay safe and have a good weekend everyone.

Regards Sue


I’m with you these days although I have seen the time when i’d have been out there whatever the weather.

It’s raining loads & blowing a gale here today. On the plus side it has cleared the weeks worth of snow away :grin:


All part of the fun being a football fan. Freezing your watsits off watching a rubbish game off football and a few beers before and afterwards !


Even worse today. Stay safe everyone. Good luck to anyone who goes out in this!


Its horrible isn’t it.

Hope everyone is staying safe & warm. Here’s to it passing over and something a bit calmer coming along.

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