
Has anyone had issues with statins ? After a TIA I was prescribed medication including a high dose of statin. Blood tests showed high liver readings so I was told to pause the statin. Liver readings returned to normal and I am now on a new and lower dose statins with further blood tests arranged.Anybody else experienced this?

Thanks I too have had headaches, and I have also tried dietary changes. Have you been able to lower your chloresterol through lifestyle changes alone?

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I’m on atruevastatin started on 80 mg now on 40 I’ve tried holidays from it I can’t categorically either link or rule out whether some of the feelings I get are related to it.

The medical databases pharmacopoeias list out the side effects and I think I’ve had most

Statins certainly have a reputation - only way to link cause and effect is experiment and even then it’s not always clear cut


@jane.cobley i too am on that one, as well as Atorvastatin

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So you’re taking two statins?

Were you giving a reason for that I haven’t heard of it before? I’m not even suggesting it unusual I just have haerd of it

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@SimonInEdinburgh I was put on atorvastatin, in the stroke unit and the other one my cardiologist put me on, as although my eating habits are healthy and I exercise regularly my cholesterol was still a bit high.

After my stroke was diagnosed my specialist Doctor put me on 40mg statins. Within 2 weeks I had to speak to my GP because the 40mg dose was causing me big problems. My GP changed the statin brand and reduced the dose to just 10mg.

That was 5 years ago. I am still on the same 10mg dose and my GP is happy with all my annual blood tests that show the cholestrol levels. I hardly notice any side effects on 10mg dose.

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Thanks. I am trying a new statin at 5 mg and will await the results. I think this may take some time but reassuring to know others have taken time to find the right statin


No I was told to pause the first one to see if my liver readings returned to normal ( they did). I am now trying an alternative.

Ok, that I understand :slight_smile:

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Hi Georl- I cannot take any statin. I get bad abdominal pains. After trying several, my doctor prescribed Zetia (estimibe). It is not a statin–works differently in the body. I’ve been on it for years with no ill effects. The only downside is that it doesn’t lower cholestrol as much as a statin. But something is better than nothing. I also take 500 mg Niacin along with it. Jeanne


Ezetimibe is not as effective as most statins but will reduce low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or ‘bad cholesterol’ by 15 to 22 per cent. It can reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes when taken alongside a statin, but we have little evidence it can do this if used on its own.


Alternatives to statins - Heart Matters magazine - BHF

](Alternatives to statins - Heart Matters magazine - BHF)

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I sent that maybe more to Simon’s question, about why both. I had just read that in a different study the night before last. I was hoping to have a different choice than a statin, although I do not have high cholestorol, or arteriel sclerosis, not diabetic. I do have high blood pressure without medication, am overweight but not obese- all visceral fat I can’t seem to shed even at 120 pounds while in hospital. I have been a long term smoker, but no other ‘vices’ and diet has been good, but hard to get proper foods since I can’t get out and don’t have money left for food. Daughter buys it and is very much into frozen meals, most of which are pizza. Yuk! I generally skip that and have a SlimFast, or a salad instead if there is anything in the house to fix one with. I do have a thing for carbs but in limited doses.


Hello @GeorL I’ve been changed to Rosuvastatin 5mgs as the atoravastatin 40mgs was causing so much nerve pain, tingling and weakness, So we’ll wait and see. My blood results are within normal levels now that the atoravastatin has done it’s job. We will see how the Rosuvastatin does even at a lower dose. I hope you find the answer you are looking for although we all have different experiences on these drugs. Best wishes


Thankyou I am also now on Rosuvastatin 5 mg and waiting to see how this works


So far it seems to be ok although it is early days. Starting off at this low dose would surely give you the best chance of minimising side effects as long as the cholesterol levels are acceptable but of course your GP will look aftre that. My GP is good and is willing to work with me I do hope yours is too. Best wishes


@GeorL My liver bloods were slightly elevated also on the atoravastatin at the higher dose which is another reason I asked to be switched to another.


@Loshy Thank you so much

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Ohh where are you. @Loshy?
A wee holiday?

How are the midges?


@Loshy ah the beautiful Scotland. Hope you enjoy so well earned down time. Take care. Thank you for posting