University of Oxford
Keywords: family life post-stroke, partner/spousal well-being, relationship satisfaction, online survey
Open to: Spouses/partners of those affected by a stroke
Deadline: 30 November 2023
How to Apply: Please see below
Contact: If you have any questions please contact Mariann Kovacs
Research participation requests are sent to the Stroke Association from external research institutions (e.g. universities and hospitals).
We conduct checks on these before promoting but are not involved in their running. This means we cannot comment on trials and have no affiliation with them.
This study is about the impact of acute brain injuries, such as stroke, on intimate partnerships.
We would like to find out about the experience of spouses/partners of those affected by a stroke, including their well-being and relationship satisfaction.
Participation involves completing a 20-minute survey at two time points (3 months apart). The survey can be completed online or in pen-and-paper format.
What is the o pportunity about?
The study is about the impact of acute brain injuries, such as stroke, on intimate partnerships. It is taking place so we can better understand the changing relationship dynamics and the psychological strain that often arise while adjusting to life after a stroke or brain injury.
Your participation will help us understand the uncertainty surrounding family relationships and roles as experienced by spouses/partners following their partner’s stroke. In turn this could help us identify those partners/spouses earlier who are at greater risk of experiencing relational or psychological distress.
Your participation will also help highlight the unmet needs of couples and families, which can shape services and interventions offered to support partners/spouses in the future.
What will it Involve?
You will be asked to complete two surveys, 3 months apart. The surveys can be completed online or as pen-and-paper surveys. They take about 20 minutes to complete at each time point.
Before access is given to the survey, a member of the research team has to collect informed consent from you (to ensure that participation is informed - this is a requirement as per the ethical approval).
Who can take part?
Inclusion criteria:
You are the adult partner/spouse of an individual who has had a stroke or other acute brain injury
You must co-habit with your partner.
At least 3 months have passed since your partner’s discharge from hospital after the stroke.
Exclusion criteria:
Your partner has a co-morbid neurodegenerative condition (e.g. Parkinson’s disease, dementia, multiple sclerosis, motor neuron disease etc.) in addition to the stroke/brain injury.
You have separated from your partner/spouse
Your relationship with your partner started after their stroke/brain injury
What will you get from taking part?
You can opt into a newsletter that summarises the research findings at the end of the project. You will also be informed of your current psychological well-being, in case you have elevated scores on the anxiety or mood measure.
While participation is not likely to generate any other direct benefits, you will be contributing to research that will increase our understanding of what spouses/partners experience after a brain injury/stroke. It is hoped that this will shape clinical practice and service provision to families and couples affected by an acute brain injury.
The study results will also influence future research projects.
How Can I Take Part?
You can access the participant information sheet here for further details on the study.
Once you have read the the information sheet, you can provide your preferred contact details (e-mail, phone number, postal address) if you wish to proceed with participation.
Alternatively, you can also contact the chief investigator directly with your questions:
Information on taking part in research
Research participation helps research teams to test new ideas and approaches by sharing information or trying new approaches in clinical trials.
Find out more about taking part in research
Taking part in clinical trials can support research to:
- Stop strokes from happening.
- Treat strokes.
- Support people to rebuild their lives.
By taking part in research, you can help us to learn more about stroke and make a difference in the lives of future stroke survivors.
Find out about how our research has made a difference in the lives of people affected by stroke.
We have produced the Clinical Trials and Stroke booklet to explain more about clinical trials and answer questions you might have about taking part. The booklet was produced with the NIHR Clinical Research Network.