Hi, I had what my doctor called a small stroke beginning of November, just my left side of my face went numb , no drooping or loss of sight or hearing, because the numbness has lasted she says it’s not a tia. Now I have developed a full feeling in my ears and tinnitus on that side and my voice has changed. Has anyone else had any symptoms like this as they keep saying the fullness in ears and noise and throat are not to do with the numbness? The noise is driving me crazy I had a ct scan on the day and was clear and an MRI 6 weeks later that showed nothing ! Has anyone one else just had numbness in face nothing else
@Janieb Hi & welcome to the forum. Often drs describe strokes as small but in my humble opinion all strokes are quite major events particularly as we are the ones dealing with the consequences.
Are they going to do any more tests to find out what’s going on as the scans were clear?
The tinnitus is quite common. Mine came on when I had my stroke. It drives me mad at times. The volume on mine increases when I have overdone it or have fatigue. I use an app on my phone to help manage it at points when it drives me mad. The app i use is GN Resound.
I had many strange sensations in my head initially. I’m not sure if i’d describe them as a fullness in the ears though. A referral to audiology / ENT may be appropriate?
I hope the numbness & other issues resolve for you.
Thanks for the reply’s , I went to an ENT but really just to check throat as was a smoker to make sure nothing nasty there, they weren’t really interested in my ears. I have been signed off the stroke clinic and feel I have just been left to get on with it, they have put me on statins and clopidogeril . They are not sending me for further tests but am going back to my GP and see if she will refer me privately to see an ENT just so you have more than a few minutes to go through everything and just check to see if anything else is going on other than the stroke. Do you know if i have to inform my car insurance? Also the stroke clinic put on my letter that is was LIKLEY an ischemtic stroke , do I take it that I have had one ? I’m confused and don’t seem to have anyone to ask. Sorry if the questions sound stupid and I know you can’t really answer them but just feel better putting it down on paper, I think my husband is fed up of me going on about it. It just makes you worried that every little head ache or numbness is a stroke coming !!
@Janieb i would recommend asking your GP the question about whether you should assume you’ve had a stroke. It might not matter to tyem but it makes a difference to you & also to things like driving, travel insurance for example.
Here’s a link to a leaflet on driving after stroke. You are usually advised by the stroke team on any driving restrictions & whether it is reportable or not depends on your circumstances.
I wasn’t allowed to drive for 3 months so had to report to DVLA. However when i tried to report it before the 1 month point it wouldn’t let me. I also rang my insurance company but they said they didn’t need to know but again that varies by company. If you are in any doubt you should inform them as you wouldn’t want to find out you’re not insured if you had an accident.
The worry you are experiencing will hopefully ease in time.
Best wishes