
2 years ago I had a stroke. I’m suffering from sleep - I can’t keep awake in the day. Reading my book, watching TV. Other time if I just sat in wheelchair for 5 minutes I go fast asleep and wake up not knowing where I am!!


Hi Dexi,
It will soon be 2 years since my stroke and I am just the same! I sleep around 8 hours a night but can still nod off sitting in the chair and also wake up feeling completely disorientated!
I love going out to meet friends or having them here but talking and socialising just exhausts me.
I haven’t got an answer I’m afraid I just keep hoping it will improve!


I have an answer ; if you can get outside, get some daylight or sun, an essential nutrient for our mitochondria, it will reset your circadian rhythm so you sleep at night, not during day. It will help your problem, Dexi,

good luck, Roland


Thank you for replying. I don’t know what the answer can be. I have tried cutting out some of my pain killers as advised my GP. It is too soon to see if it will help. I will keep you advised…


Thank you for replying. I am a lover of the outside. Sit outside reading xxx
Thank you Roland


Have you seen your GP? They might be able to check you over to make sure you’re not lacking anything. If you’re able to do a little bit of exercise that may also help. I know sometimes for me the more ai sleep the more I want to sleep. What about trying some brain exercises or just something you enjoy?

Best wishes


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very wise, Dexi, very wise


As @Mrs5K advised, do see your gp about this. Not only could it be lacking in certain vitamins but also blood sugar can levels can have this effect. If blood sugar is way to high for instance, to many carbs in your diet, they can half this heavily drowsed effect putting you to sleep. So definitely see your gp and have some blood tests done. Would do no harm to take a urine sample with you for them to test too, pre-empting helps speed up the process for you and maybe avoid another extra trip :wink:


It’s Lorraine here finally able to log in to contribute to chats after a long time being unable to. I find this topic really interesting as I am the total opposite to this problem.3 and a half years now since my stroke and still suffering with insomnia which has gradually got worse and worse to the point where the only way I can get just 2 hours at night is with 3 glasses of wine which obviously in the long run is no good for me at all so restrict that to 2 nights a week. Am sleepy the whole day and have to do any tasks before midday. Can’t even nap during the day . Have tried that many things I’ve lost count. I can see how both sides of this particular coin can badly effect daytime functioning and quality of life . I just have to tell myself how much worse things could have been as I haven’t been left with physical disabilities . It’s good to be able to share.