Sleep and stroke: could improving your sleep help your stroke rehabilitation?

Sleep and stroke: could improving your sleep help your stroke rehabilitation?

My name is Rob Jenkins, and I am part of a research team at St Mary’s University, Twickenham. We will be investigating the relationship between “good sleep” and stroke rehabilitation outcomes, and we need your help!

Purpose of the Study:

Research has shown that good sleep can improve stroke rehabilitation outcomes , including quality of life and confidence completing activities of daily living.

However, there is very little research investigating how to improve sleep for stroke survivors.

This project has involved exploring the existing research to create an “Optimised Sleep Protocol”, which is simple , free , and requires minimal equipment .

We would like to invite you to try out the protocol and help us investigate whether it can improve sleep for stroke survivors , and in turn improve stroke rehabilitation.

What is required?

  • The study will last 8 weeks
  • You will be asked to complete a maximum of 4 questionnaires at week 1, week 4 and week 8 of the study
    • The questionnaires will take between 30 and 60 minutes to complete each time
    • All questionnaires can be completed remotely
  • If you are randomly allocated to the sleep protocol group, you will be asked to follow a personalised optimised sleep protocol as closely as possible for each night of the 8 weeks

What you will gain from participation:

  • Understand the relationship between sleep, stroke, and stroke rehabilitation
  • Be provided with an evidence-based Optimised Sleep Protocol to help you harness the benefits of sleep to potentially improve your own stroke rehabilitation
  • Help in the process of identifying non-invasive, cheap, and simple tools to optimise stroke rehabilitation for others experiencing the effects of stroke

Who can take part?

We are looking for UK based adult stroke survivors (18+ with no upper age limit) who have been discharged from hospital and are currently attending private or community-based stroke or neurorehabilitation.

How can I register my interest?

If you are interested in participation, please do not hesitate to get in contact with myself, Rob Jenkins, at: for further details.

Hi Rob my thoughts exactly the brain fixes itself when you sleep, no sleep no improvement
If likely me the thalmus was damaged it affects sleep and whilst I have mad a good recovery sleep is made on this fly rather than 8 hours straight, so not slept well since having the stroke and rely on ambient sounds to get into rem sleep in a bed chair sleeping is easier with the TV helping