Showing emotion for no reason

i had a stroke, aged 62 , 4 months ago . i was left numb all down my Right hand side , face , arm and foot. i was kept in hospital , but was able to carefully walk out on day 7 , i have followed every instruction given and can now function " normally " . Everything seems in slow motion, i get tired very quickly , and i think my speech is slurred . all of which i accept . But i seem to get very emotional at the slightest thing . i cry for nothing . when some one shows any interest in how i am feeling , or asks about my stroke , i feel myself filling up , and i just burst into tears . it is embarrasing for me and anyone i am talking to . does anyone have any advice.


Hi the @Gorey and welcome to the rollercoaster ride of your time, you’re in good company here :laughing: Bet you wish you got on something a little more sedate like the carousel now don’t you :wink:

It is an emotional time and I dare say you’re still suffering the effects of shock from a traumatic event and you are still healing. Healing uses up a lot of energy hence the fatigue and when you are tired you can get a little emotionally sensitive/over emotional.

Rest is the order of the day. In my experience this will pass in time as you recover and become stronger. It’s almost child like how we can burst into tears so suddenly at the drop of a hat.


I had a stroke just over a year ago.
Men who have had a stroke do get overwhelmed by emotion. I can read out a bit of text to my wife and suddenly I’m sobbing.
I think it is something you should not fight, it helps you fit things back together, honestly I think it is good.
Rightly or wrongly I feel it is a form of grief.

You are recognizing what has happened to you, a terrible event, you mourn for the loss you feel.

Whether in short term or long term you will make gains and you will begin to discover how to continue, how to cope.

Please use this forum to say your piece, to ask questions and to discover you are not alone.

The folk here are supportive, friendly, and are coming from the same place as you. They have a sense of humour but also have good advice to offer.

You will have many questions and a few things to say too.

Keep on keepin’ on
:smiley: :+1:


Hi Gorey-- When I was in the hospital from a stroke, they gave me a brochure that explained stroke afftects the emotional part of the brain. What you’re experiencing is to be expected, and normal. I not only cried easily, but when I found something funny, I couldn’t stop laughing. That’s embarrassing, too!! Over time this over-reacting emotionally eased off and went away. Extremely exhaustion, tiring easily is also normal–the brain is healing, and this uses up tremendous energy. This gets better over time. You are only 4 months out from a stroke. I am 4 1/2 years. While I no longer cry and laugh alot, I still tire more easily than I used to pre-stroke, but it has improved and gets better all the time. Be patient with youself, and rest as much as possible. Things will get better. :slightly_smiling_face: :heart:Jeanne



let it out
go ahead and feel whatever you have to feel
it’s delayed trauma, too, good luck


Hello there. This is something I have also found post stroke. For me, I seem to end up getting tearful when I watch joyous and happy moments. Football does it for me when they play the team’s National Anthem or when the trophy is being presented. These ‘tears of joy’ never used to happen pre-stroke.
Why it happens, I dont know but I can cope with happy tears!


@Gorey welcome to the forum. You seem to be making some good progress which is great.

As everyone else has said fatigue & being emotional are pretty standard after a stroke. I still cry at littke things & sometimes for no reason at all. I’m 17 months on.

Just go with it. I just tell people when I’m sobbing for no apparent reason that my stroke brain is having a wobble. It usually makes people laugh.

Good luck on your stroke journey.



It is tough, it was explained to me as ‘emotional liability’. Im now 7 years post stroke and the emotions do level out, but the fatigue (for me) just gets worse. The emotional side is so difficult to explain. 2 examples for me, were the 1st social occasion I attended, maybe 9 months after stroke, but still very sensitive, I attended a funeral (cremation) and just as the curtains were closing and the coffin rolled into the furnace, I burst out in un-controlable laughter which I could not control ! Embarassing, but not within my control. However, the opposite was, walking down the freezer aisle in Tesco, alone, burting into tears and a full on bawling session.
Another embarassing situation, but be aware it is totally forgotten by everyone who witnessed either event, but will remain in my damaged brain forever and ever.


We are all suffering from a trauma that removed a slice, a big slice of our lives.
Most of the time we bite the bullet and simply carry on.

Only occasionally the whole thing, that is really there all along, wells up and regardless of where or with who, emotion breaks through.
It is powerful and attempting to control it is both impossible and also unwise.
Thankfully it is shortlived but gives tremendous relief.
Relief that we need to just carry on.

It is a big deal and is not always something that can be dealt with by rational thought alone.

Keep on keepin’ on
:grin: :+1:

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