I’m Imogen and I’m new here even though my husband suffered a severe stroke after undergoing massive 12 hour heart surgery (which actually went well!) at the beginning of April. He’s in a level 1/2a rehab facility 90 mins drive from me and I’d love to hear from others who are also dealing with the fall-out.
I’m trying to hold a full-time job (we’re both in our early 50s) whilst sorting his out - he was self-employed, so I had to do his tax return & accounts, plus of course, remove him from the register (he was a driving instructor, that ain’t ever happening again!)
I’m just exhausted with the non-stop round of admin of house and mortgage, insurances, car stuff, selling things, all his medical appointments (which still come to me despite him being in a hospital!) dealing with local councils trying to get a blue badge (an uphill struggle!) doing his washing, sooo much DIY, buying modifications for the car, house, looking into home rehab etc etc.
I’m also wondering how my husband seems to be getting worse, so having to advocate for him and trying to work out how on earth he can come home in 2 months when he’s still in a wheelchair with paralysis on his dominant side, severe apraxia and aphasia, plus actually recovering from a major heart op which left him in ICU for 2 weeks, which everyone seems to have forgotten about.
Am I a terrible wife for actually being really worried about him coming home and kind of not looking forward to it? It’s been just me for these past few months and I know life will be turned upside down - I’d love to hear how others coped when their loved ones came home as I’m struggling somewhat with how it’s all going to pan out!
Sorry, it feels like a Friday downer, but I wanted to reach out to the community and become involved as I’ve NO IDEA what’s going to happen in a few weeks time and I’m dreading it!
Maybe I need to enjoy this time before the real work starts (who’s remotely joining me in a glass of wine later?!!)
Cheers all, and take care