This is actually a “thing” as my daughter would say, and something we may not even consider enough to investigate. We are more likely to just assume it’s work related stress or depression over our stroke or whatever. But when I look through the symptoms in the link below, it fits perfectly with what my hubby (also my carer) is currently going through. Yes it could be that his BP tablets need adjusting as that is currently high. But could it be S.A.D. that’s raising his BP?
‘Introduction. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that has a seasonal pattern. The episodes of depression tend to occur at the same time each year, usually during the winter. As with other types of depression, two of the main symptoms of SAD are a low mood and a lack of interest in life.’
This has never been a problem for me but both of my daughters have issues with it. For the elder, she is treated with extra antidepressants, a ‘sun’ lamp and heated blanket. Younger one just has weekly instead of monthly therapy appointments.
I personally think ‘this disorder’ is a perfectly natural instinct prompting a need and desire to get ready to hibernate. I think it is an ancient response to shortening days and the need to take refuge and reserve energy for the winter period.
Of course in an age of electricity and artificial intelligence this no longer seems to make sense especially as the society to which we belong wouldn’t tolerate the taking of such an extended break for quite a large part of the year.
Trying to rationalise this as a syndrome does keep a set of professionals in a job, but I think avoiding looking at what is actually happening is not very honest.
Taming one’s instincts seems to be de rigueur in modern human society. This is what we need to do to ‘fit in’ with the very strange world which has evolved and of which we are a part.
So that is how it must be in this world of artificiality in which we find ourselves I suppose. The disconnection is not always obvious.
Keep on keepin’ on
philosophically, if that is possible
Hi everyone, hope you are all well. I’m pleased to say that I am not affected by S.A.D. personally but my husband (also my carer) definitely is. He actually started counting the days until the clocks go forward in March the day after the clocks went back in October.
I would go as far as to say that he would hibernate if he could.
Think my hubby is the same, only with his BP being up it only intensifies the effect it has Fingers crossed the increase in his tablets now will help it.
Having to get to work through all the rubbish weather obviously is going to make one S.A.D.
The solution is free flights to places that are globally warm, returning only when conditions at home improve.
S.A.D. will then be quite jolly.
Don’t forget to pack shorts and flip flops.
I don’t think I suffer with S.A.D. per se but it does take me a little time to adjust to the dark mornings & evenings. I do still try & get outside for a bit each day but struggle gitting that in around work.
I know people who do find this time of year difficult though & pretty much become hermits until Spring.
As soon as the weather person starts to talk about a deep depression moving in from the west I know it is time to dig deep in the cupboard for those chuckles and giggles which we have stored away deep deep under all that important day to day serious stuff. Look in there and check out for any glasses half full that are lurking back out of sight but just within reach.
Sometimes when there is a need it must be met.
Maybe that’s why I don’t have issues with SAD. I am likely to hibernate with a book and sleep until it is light again, and eat comfort foods for the hours I am awake. I find myself jealous of the Americans from the 1800s who went to bed at dark and didn’t wake until light to conserve oil for lamps, and energy for the next days work. Summer in early America I would not like so much. Too much workday!!!
@Ingo66 I’ve been on daily vitamin D tabs as part of my meds since my stroke. I can honestly say I don’t think they’ve made any difference whatsoever to my mood. An occasional pint of beer seems to brighten me up though. No chance they’ll add that to my prescription.
Oh of course it is, which is why I thought I’d highlight it, for those who may not have considered this. Sometimes we forget to think outside of our stroke “box” so to speak. Some may see this as another post stroke symptom to contend with. And it can get so much more than a mild case of winter blues.
A society for which both you and I reap the rewards of and I certainly wouldn’t want to go back to living in a cave
But it is a condition to be mindful of, particularly for those who are already suffering depression as this can just enhance it. Also things like blood pressure can be affected by it, sparking a viscous cycle that can so easily spiral out of control.
No! The patients suffering is what keeps the professionals in a job, just the same as the doctors and nurses we all need!
We all have muscles that benefit from regular use.
One of these, for example, is the chuckle muscle, which benefits greatly from regular stimulation.
A healthy, well toned chuckle muscle is of especial utility in dealing with all sorts of eventualities.
A guffaw, a belly laugh, in a similar fashion has been known to work wonders.
And thank goodness for that chuckle muscle. I’ll give my family a laugh even if it’s at my own expense, anything to keep them on the right side of insanity
For the moment there I was thinking this was the season to be jolly.
My completely artificial intelligence corrects me.
Of course this is the season to be sad.
I would hang my head and stand corrected if that same muscle didn’t keep pointing out these little fallacies and foibles wrapped in a conundrum.
I apologise, I understand and am wary of preemptive spelling , again I fall victim to the giggles.
I wonder is this a cycle of the treacle variety.
Sparkly treacle maybe a seasonal and thickly oozing variety of something I haven’t encountered before and preventing me from taking myself too seriously.
I’m sure Sid Viscous would have understood. (you wouldn’t get any stickier than he)
he he
ho ho
o dear