I have just been contacted by involvement in research. It would be a real challenge for me to get involved as I have difficulty concentrating. I don't know if this is a stroke thing or the various other things I have had since my stroke. Has anyone else been involved? What did you do? Hilary
In the early days, when i couldnt concentrate etc, i said "no".
now i am more able then i might help. I can also now get a good idea which aporoaches are genuine.
Hello Hilary,
I've participated in several stroke research studies. All were really just collecting information and involved a form to complete or short telephone/email interview only. I felt it was worthwhile since many are trying to measure and guage the impact of stroke upon people's lives. I was a 43 year old with four children, so fairly unusual for a stroke survivor.
The interviews were fairly straightforward and much less demanding than some of the tests I had to perform while in hospital.
Most studies will explain to you what the research involves before you are enrolled into the study.
Hello Damian,
It sounds like something I'd like to do. I only had a mild stroke but I read about other people on this site and personally know others. I will have to wait to be contacted again.
Hi Hilary
I have taken part in a number of online surveys since my hemorrhagic stroke in February 2016. I prefer to fill in an online questionnaire rather than a telephone or video call.
Last year I also took part in a research programme at the National Hospital at Queens Square in London, where I attend as an out patient at the FES clinic, although the research was in relation to the rehabilitation of upper limbs.
I also took part in a day at the ARNI Head Quarters, to help physiotherapists with their final assessment. I didn't particularly enjoy the day and haven't taken part since, although I think they hold this event every year.
I am happy to take part in most things but it's really an individual thing and all about how comfortable you feel taking part. Just do what you are happy with.
Regards Sue
Hi Hilary
I have taken part in a number of online surveys since my hemorrhagic stroke in February 2016. I prefer to fill in an online questionnaire rather than a telephone or video call.
Last year I also took part in a research programme at the National Hospital at Queens Square in London, where I attend as an out patient at the FES clinic, although the research was in relation to the rehabilitation of upper limbs.
I also took part in a day at the ARNI Head Quarters, to help physiotherapists with their final assessment. I didn't particularly enjoy the day and haven't taken part since, although I think they hold this event every year.
I am happy to take part in most things but it's really an individual thing and all about how comfortable you feel taking part. Just do what you are happy with.
Regards Sue
Hi Hilary
I have taken part in a number of online surveys since my hemorrhagic stroke in February 2016. I prefer to fill in an online questionnaire rather than a telephone or video call.
Last year I also took part in a research programme at the National Hospital at Queens Square in London, where I attend as an out patient at the FES clinic, although the research was in relation to the rehabilitation of upper limbs.
I also took part in a day at the ARNI Head Quarters, to help physiotherapists with their final assessment. I didn't particularly enjoy the day and haven't taken part since, although I think they hold this event every year.
I am happy to take part in most things but it's really an individual thing and all about how comfortable you feel taking part. Just do what you are happy with.
Regards Sue
Dear Sue, Thank you for this. I've already told them I don't want to travel but I doubt whether I would be asked to do this in the present times. I would be happy to receive and send emails and do phone calls I think but I will just have to see what they suggest if they accept me that is. I contacted them weeks ago and only heard yesterday so I will bide my time!
Apologies everyone, didn't mean to reply 3 times. Sometimes I'm not sure whether my reply has been posted. As a very impatient person, I try again and before you know it you've sent it 3 times.?
Dear Sue I thought you'd sent a different post and realised they were all the same. I've found that if you log out and then log in again your message appears as sent. I wonder if we can blame strokes for making us impatient!
Dear Susan
If you accidently post twice then you can delete one of them;
open the one you want to delete, look at the end and there is an edit button. Press and it gives you the delete option.change option