Ulster University
Keywords: Neurological, Physical, Disability, Exercise, Community
Open to: Adults with a diagnosis of a neurological condition which causes physical disability are eligible to participate.
Deadline: 31 January 2024
How to Apply / Questions : Contact bradley-r22@ulster.ac.uk / neurophysio@ulster.ac.uk or phone 02871675942
Research participation requests are sent to the Stroke Association from external research institutions (e.g. universities and hospitals).
We conduct checks on these before promoting but are not involved in their running. This means we cannot comment on trials and have no affiliation with them.
This study therefore aims to develop a community-based exercise pathway for Adults with a Neurological Physical Disability (AwNPD).
This study will consist of four stages:
Stage 1: An individual interview with a member of the research team.
Stage 2: A group event to identify priorities for a gym-based exercise pathway.
Stage 3: Three workshops to design the pathway, working with the research team and other people interested in developing the pathway.
Stage 4: A celebration event to share the pathway and get feedback from others.
Adults with a diagnosis of a neurological condition which causes physical disability are eligible to participate.
What is the opportunity about?
Currently, the Physical Acitivity Referral Scheme (PARS) provided in Northern Ireland does not allow AwNPD to participate based on their clinical diagnosis of a neurologcial condition causing physical disability.
This study aims to develop a pathway for AwNPD to participate in community-based exercise within their local gyms.
This would further promote physical activity within this population and would provide a basis for funding to implement in the future.
What will it Involve?
Stage 1: Qualitative semi-structured interviews
Consented participants will be interviewed at their home, place of work or on Ulster University premises, according to their preference. Where it is not possible to be interviewed in person, the interview may be conducted using an online platform such as Microsoft Teams.
The research team will edit and compile footage from all interviews into a 30 minute video, known as a ‘catalyst film’. This film will be shown to stakeholders at the joint feedback event (stage 2) to encourage stakeholders to work together to identify priorities for a community-based exercise pathway (Point of care foundation 2022).
Stage 2: Joint feedback event
This event will be held on Ulster University premises and will last approx. 3 hours.
A member of the research team will facilitate discussions with each group of stakeholders about the catalyst film. The researchers will take anonymous written/electronic notes to summarise group discussions.
Groups will then come together and members of the research team will present priorities developed in discussions to ensure that priorities are reflective of each group. These notes will be summarised and presented at the first co-design workshop (stage 3).
Stage 3: Series of co-design workshops
Three co-design workshops will take place over the course of six weeks. Each workshop will last between 1-2 hours and will take place on Ulster University premises. If preferred, participants may attend virtually via Microsoft Teams.
A member of the research team and a stakeholder will facilitate discussions at all co-design workshops to ensure equal opportunities for input from all stakeholder groups. At meeting 1, priorities identified during stage 2 will be presented and discussed to produce an outline of the pathway.
Workshop 2 will focus on developing a first draft of the pathway. Workshop 3 will involve refining the drafted pathway and organising the celebration event, including development of a short feedback survey that will be used at the event. Co-design workshops will be audio recorded.
Stage 4: Celebration event
This event will take place online or in person; the co-design group will decide on the format and location of the event. This event will last between 1-2 hours.
Members of the co-design group will present the pathway to attendees, after which there will be an open discussion about the pathway.
Attendees will then be invited to provide feedback on the pathway via an anonymous feedback survey (written or online depending on participant preference) at the end of the celebration event. As outlined above, this feedback survey will be developed during the final co-design meeting.
Who can take part?
Adults over the age of 18 years with a clinical diagnosis of a neurological condition that causes physical disability (e.g. stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease, cerebral palsy, spina bifida), and/or their carer(s).
This research is focused on neurological conditions which cause physical disability only and will not be suited to all adults with a physical disability.
Participants will be required to independently make decisions and thus those with moderate to severe intellectual impairment will not be eligible to participate.
Adults with communication impairment will be able to participate via alternative methods of communication (e.g. assistive communication device) or personal assistant/carer proxy report.
What will you get from taking part?
Participants will have the opportunity to voice their opinions on a potential future pathway for their use. Later stages of this study will provide the opportunity to discuss this with a variety of stakeholder groups.
Participants would also be contributing to further research on implementing such a pathway within Northern Ireland.
Results of the study will be disseminated to participants and findings may be presented at conferences or published in scientific journals
How Can I Take Part?
Contact bradley-r22@ulster.ac.uk / neurophysio@ulster.ac.uk or phone 02871675942
Information on taking part in research
Research participation helps research teams to test new ideas and approaches by sharing information or trying new approaches in clinical trials.
Find out more about taking part in research
Taking part in clinical trials can support research to:
- Stop strokes from happening.
- Treat strokes.
- Support people to rebuild their lives.
By taking part in research, you can help us to learn more about stroke and make a difference in the lives of future stroke survivors.
Find out about how our research has made a difference in the lives of people affected by stroke.
We have produced the Clinical Trials and Stroke booklet to explain more about clinical trials and answer questions you might have about taking part. The booklet was produced with the NIHR Clinical Research Network.
Information on Research Involvement
Research Involvement is a different way of contributing to research that involves collaborating with researchers to design decisions about how research is shaped and conducted.
You do not need any research knowledge to do this, your lived experience is what would otherwise be missing. Involvement is about contributing this to shape projects in ways that create most potential to benefit people affected.