Research Participants Needed: Psychosocial and cognitive predictors of long-term outcome of stroke survivors and their carers (In-person, Cambridge Opportunity)

Anglia Ruskin University

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Open to: Stroke survivors with language problems and their carers or partners. You must be able to travel to Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge (CB1 1PT).

How to Apply: Click this link to give your interest in taking part.

Contact: Please email Maria Murga ( with any questions

Research participation requests are sent to the Stroke Association from external research institutions (e.g. universities and hospitals).

We conduct checks on these before promoting but are not involved in their running. This means we cannot comment on trials and have no affiliation with them.

We are a group of researchers at Anglia Ruskin University, investigating language problems. We want to learn more about language problems in people who had a stroke and suffer from aphasia.

If you participate in this study, we will invite you to a group conversation where you will have the opportunity to share your experience and meet new people.

If you are interested in research, you could also be part of our research project later, by collaborating with the researchers in the design of the research study.

What is the opportunity about?

Unfortunately, you have had a stroke, which led to changes in your language ability.

We want to find out more about language difficulties after stroke. This information could help developing ways to support stroke survivors with aphasia.

What will it Involve?

You will share your experience with researchers and up to seven other people with aphasia. This will be an informal conversation where everyone is welcome to give their opinion.

We will audio record the conversation.

This is likely to take up to 2 hours and there will be breaks and refreshments.

We will pay your travel costs and give a £10 voucher for your time.

Who can take part?

You must be able to travel to Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge (CB1 1PT).

You can participate if:

  • You had a stroke.
  • You are proficient in English.
  • You have language problems at the moment,
  • Or, you had language problems in the past as a result of stroke.

We are also looking for carers or partners of stroke survivors to participate in this research.

What will you get from taking part?

You will probably not benefit directly from the research, but we are hoping that findings from this study could help people with aphasia in the future.

We will keep you informed about the results of the study and the findings will be included in the PhD thesis (Maria Murga) and presented in scientific articles and conferences.

If you want, you will have the chance to participate in conducting research in the future. This means that you will be able to work with the researchers to:

  • Design the study,
  • Recruit other participants,
  • Or tell others about the results of the study

How Can I Take Part?

Click this link to give your interest in taking part.

Please email Maria Murga ( with any questions

Information on taking part in research

Research participation helps research teams to test new ideas and approaches by sharing information or trying new approaches in clinical trials.

Find out more about taking part in research

Taking part in clinical trials can support research to:

  • Stop strokes from happening.
  • Treat strokes.
  • Support people to rebuild their lives.

By taking part in research, you can help us to learn more about stroke and make a difference in the lives of future stroke survivors.

Find out about how our research has made a difference in the lives of people affected by stroke.

We have produced the Clinical Trials and Stroke booklet to explain more about clinical trials and answer questions you might have about taking part. The booklet was produced with the NIHR Clinical Research Network.

Information on Research Involvement

Research Involvement is a different way of contributing to research that involves collaborating with researchers to design decisions about how research is shaped and conducted.

You do not need any research knowledge to do this, your lived experience is what would otherwise be missing. Involvement is about contributing this to shape projects in ways that create most potential to benefit people affected.

Find out more about how to get involved shaping research.

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