University of Hull
Open to: Stroke survivors who have had a stroke between 6 months and 2 years ago
Deadline: 31 March 2024
Apply: You can take part by clicking this link
Contact: If you have any questions please contact Ariyana Reddy at
Research participation requests are sent to the Stroke Association from external research institutions (e.g. universities and hospitals).
We conduct checks on these before promoting but are not involved in their running. This means we cannot comment on trials and have no affiliation with them.
A research team at the University of Hull would like to talk to people who have experienced a stroke between the last 6 months and 2 years ago about their experiences of growth since experiencing a stroke.
What is the opportunity about?
The research is look at positive changes/growth since experiencing a stroke. Research suggests that after a stroke people can experience growth in their priorities, beliefs and what they value.
It has been suggested that the majority of recovery occurs within 6 months and 2 years of experiencing a stroke.
Little research has explored this time period of recovery to investigate areas where people may experience more positive changes in their beliefs and values and where they may need more support.
What will it Involve?
The study will involve you completing either an online or paper version of a survey which asks questions relating to changes experienced after a stroke. The survey will take around 15-30 minutes to complete.
All your data will be anonymous so your answers cannot be identified. Participation will not affect your medical care or legal rights.
Who can take part?
The study is looking for individuals who have had a stroke between 6 months and 2 years ago. You must be able to understand English and be at least 18 to take part.
How Can I Take Part?
If you are interested in the study, please contact or click the link below:
Information on taking part in research
Research participation helps research teams to test new ideas and approaches by sharing information or trying new approaches in clinical trials.
Find out more about taking part in research
Taking part in clinical trials can support research to:
- Stop strokes from happening.
- Treat strokes.
- Support people to rebuild their lives.
By taking part in research, you can help us to learn more about stroke and make a difference in the lives of future stroke survivors.
Find out about how our research has made a difference in the lives of people affected by stroke.
We have produced the Clinical Trials and Stroke booklet to explain more about clinical trials and answer questions you might have about taking part. The booklet was produced with the NIHR Clinical Research Network.
Information on Research Involvement
Research Involvement is a different way of contributing to research that involves collaborating with researchers to design decisions about how research is shaped and conducted.
You do not need any research knowledge to do this, your lived experience is what would otherwise be missing. Involvement is about contributing this to shape projects in ways that create most potential to benefit people affected.