Remember Ing walking

17 months in and the closest I can get to walking is with a stick and an AFO, seem s so long I don’t rember how to walk as I did no fluid movements in my left leg plus the drop foot issue.
Does anyone remember their breakthrough point in reha bwhen they realised they coul walk ,a fantastic day I pray mine comes soon rather than later


About four months in here and way way behind you. Just keep going, you’re giving me something to aim for . . .
Same drop foot issue by the way. They gave me a device to strap it up with, but it won’t fit since the meds swoll up me foot.
My toes screw up as well. Aah well, Onward and upward ! !
You never know I might break into a run and catch up with you :smiley:

By the way in those days when I had a physio, I remember being drilled in keeping control of the errant foot. I’m sure I was making a better job of it then, now I’m trying to deal with it alone. I believe I might get more physio eventually.

But by then I might be in the centre court at Wimbledon running about hitting tennis balls back over the net. All it takes is a little determined practice, I’m sure.


Hi thanks for your reply, I too have foot swelling which makes the ago painful to use, I have reduced the swelling through a revitive, circulation booster and walking as much as I can bare. I do hope you do break into a run I do but in my dreams.
Take care.



Here’s to dreams ! !
Long may they sustain us ! !


My breakthrough point was being brave enough to stand on our front doorstep for five minutes on my frame. The next day I used my frame to walk as far as the front of next door and back. I then added a house a day till I got to the end of the road and back again. I think that was three or four months after coming home.

Interestingly, on holiday with my partner, I am encouraged to walk much further (on my stick). I had a FES machine for along time which improved my drop foot enormously. After a very small second stroke my drop foot returns. I now walk with an ankle brace. Going up slopes is not too bad, but any downward slope makes me lose confidence. Can’t do the walking I once did though.


Yes, I was shuffling for about nine months, but did exercises crawling, walking on my knees and counting my steps every day until one marvellous afternoon I was able to take a proper step. Though, this was after almost a year. It was a good feeling. My right leg doesn’t always play ball and becomes reluctant to move but this is usually when I am fatigued or my brain is thinking about other things when I walk. I don’t suffer from drop foot though.

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Hi all, we are in Spain at the moment and I’ve just completed my daily walk, twice around the garden of the villa we are staying in. It only takes about 10 minutes but trying to do this once or twice a day, as when we go out I’m using my mobility scooter more than I would at home, so just trying to keep up with my walking. I’m 5 years post stroke and walk with a stick and an fes machine. I don’t think I will ever be happy with my walking but keep trying to improve to enable us to do as much as we can.

Keep up the good work everyone. Regards Sue

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The more I read the more it seems that the ‘path’ back to walking ‘normality’ is different for each of us. There isn’t a quick way, a best way, it appears we each have to tackle it for ourselves.

It will take as long as it takes, we just need to keep at it, be happy with our progress but be willing to try for a little bit more.

As others here have said, keep up the effort, you know it is worth it.

Letting others know how you are doing provides incentive and motivation and will get you a bunch of encouragement too.


keep on truckin’


I’m 8 years post-stroke and still finding my slowness frustrating. I walk as much as I can. I have found that if I sit for long periods of time my leg muscles seize up and I have to stretch to get them going again. Recovery was slow but sure, exercising my leg muscles every day. I still have good and bad days. I was looking after a dog a few weeks back and was worried I wouldn’t be able to walk him as I normally use a stick when I’m out and my ‘useful’ hand would be occupied by a lead. Somehow the lead steadied me and I managed 2 slow walks a day (much further than I imagined I could do). My Fitbit recorded 13,000 steps!


Yes absolutely Bobbi
I’m experimenting with a foot stool to raise my leg to give relief. Initial observations are positive , pain lowered was able to walk aft short test , even after walking about enough to make me need a rest.

My big breakthrough will be the transfer from left to right and back.
Spurred on by being overtaken by a chap with an NHS stick whilst out walking yesterday.

The next big push on left Side pain is to spread my gabapentine daily dose more evenly across the whole day on smaller doses.
Currently on 1200 mg a day spread to 4X 300mg doses .
Initially good results but not yet conclusive.
My belief is the pain is brain driven and varies from day to day. I can usually tell an hour before getting up what my leg pain is going to be.