But I wanted to share a brief update on my current situation. Last week, I experienced a stroke, and subsequent MRI scans revealed some bleeding. I’m currently in the hospital, feeling a bit lost and defeated. The medical team is closely monitoring my condition, and I’m doing my best to stay positive. But with everything that is happening to me, it’s hard to think of anything positive.
I’m 32,with no medical history, I just woke up last Sunday and my right side was numb, but recovered fairly quickly to the point where I went back to work that Monday after. Felt overwhelmed at work, and called off the next day, my head started feeling heavy, and a strange sensation but there were no symptoms of a stroke happening. Now, I am a very anxious person, so I called the ambulance. My first night they did the routine testing, and found nothing, no new stroke, labs normal. Today, I was just about to leave the hospital, and they told me I would have to stay the night again because of some internal bleeding which was revealed from the MRI.
I felt so happy to finally go home, but now I am once again a mess, anxiety ridden, and thinking the worst…
This is all so new to me, and I don’t know how to cope with this.
Hi and welcome to our forum. Sorry to hear of your stroke at such a young age. We are a merry band of stroke survivors who have suffered many different types of strokes and who are experiencing very different recoveries. Keep posting and asking questions, there is always someone here to offer information and advice when you need it.
As a young stroke survivor, you might like to take a look at the “Different Strokes Charity” website who offer a unique service to young stroke survivors.
Hope this is helpful. Look forward to hearing from you.
Get yourself a copy of a book called Had a stroke? What now? by Tom Balchin. It’ll help understand what’s happened and what to expect. You can get it on Kindle so no waiting for delivery
Thank you everyone for replying back to me I am still in the hospital, the neurologist came about an hour ago to say that I did have a mini-stroke but still no found cause of how or why it happened.
It’s concerning that they can not find the cause of this. I am going through so much testing as well, just for everything to come back completely normal.
They are releasing me today after I see hematology, and another neurologist.
I am still trying to figure out what is normal and not normal after the stroke. Which I think is the part that’s scaring me the most. I have such a heavy head, and my head feels fuzzy, and I have brought this up three times to the doctors but they have not said nothing about it. Obviously, I know this isn’t normal, but is this something normal after a stroke?. I really don’t have anything else residual besides my head feeling weird.
@Nb2023 hi & welcome to the forum. Sorry you’ve had a stroke at such a young age. The early days are often full of anxiety & disbelief & trying to find a way through it all. Often a cause can not be found so try not to worry about that too much. Easy to say not so easy to do. All you can do is try & reduce your risk factors e.g. smoking, alcohol, healthy diet etc.
I too had the heavy / fuzzy head feeling after my stroke. It was a permanent fixture for many months & I thought it was never going to lift but it did eventually. I still get it though when I’ve overdone it.
Good to hear they are discharging you home. Rest up as much as you need to.
We never knew why my mother had a brain bleed stroke. They said very low platelets played a role in making it worse, but it wasn’t the trigger. What was the trigger then? We’ll never know. She may have had a silent stroke years ago, but the neurologist wasn’t 100% sure. They initially thought high blood pressure in the setting of very low platelets, but her blood pressure never got that high (170/90 or so).
I thought yours was related to high blood pressure, simple Simon (just teasing). I reckon I was wrong by thinking so.
It’s nice to know that someone else had the fuzzy/heavy feeling. Whenever I told the doctors this they said it’s nothing stroke related it was probably just your anxiety and how worked up you were. Which I’m sure that didn’t help, but that feeling is still there. But I feel better knowing I’m not the only one, and that it will go away eventually.
I think everything that I’m feeling, makes me think I am having another stroke.
I drove people mad going on about my fuzzy head but it was horrid andxaffected me a lot. I thought it was never going to ease & I didn’t know how I was going to life with it. It did ease- i can’t remember exactly how long it too but was about 8 - 9 months. It’s different for everyone so hopefully yours will go quicker.
In the early days I think most of us thought symptoms we had meant we were habing another stroke. A few of us visited A&E a couple of times. Part of that is not knowing what to expect. No one told me about fatigue for example & I overdid it in the very early days & felt so ill I was convinced i’d had another stroke. Turns out I didn’t but had fatigue been explained to me I probably wouldn’t have gone to A&E
The first 6 months your brain needs lots of rest so it can do it’s recovery.
Hello all. New caller here - I hope everything is going well for you NB. Sounds like we could be similar here bud - I’m also 32 and was informed on Saturday evening that I have had a series of strokes, which we had initially thought was a migraine. Sadly a ‘textbook’ but short stroke of about five minutes long came along on Saturday this week.
I was released home on Monday evening, where the local early release stoke team came to see me on Wednesday morning, just as I started to notice what fatigue was and just how brutal it can feel. I was about to call an ambulance as our local therapist made initial contact.
How is everything going for you so early on in your diagnosis?
@Mb1991 Just popping by to say hi & welcome to the forum. Sorry you’ve had cause to join us but you’ll hopefully find it a friendly supportive place to be.
Hope you’re progressing ok. As you’ve mentioned fatigue can be awful post stroke. The best advice is listen to your body & rest loads. The 1st 6 months it’s important to give your brain the chance to rewire etc. Resting helps this process.
Sad to hear we are young and going through this. I hope you are doing well!.
I am working through it, I still have my bad days. But that’s to be expected. They are still trying to figure out why this happened but after so much testing they still have no answers.
The only new thing I was told going to the neuro doctor last week is, that part of my brain that got damaged was my thalamus. He then proceeded to tell me, that controls your motor skills, emotions, and sleep.
After reading this, with my anxiety being so harsh it started to make sense on why my right side would start to feel weird after heightened anxiety or higher levels of emotion. In a way, this made me feel better, because before knowing this I would immediately think I’m having another stroke as soon as those symptoms started to appear. But then I would realize that I’m in a heightened state.
This week, I see a hematologist doctor to go over blood work and I’m guessing getting more bloodwork done. I also, have a psyche consult hopefully this I am done with doctor visits for a while. They have me scheduled for a CT scan in March.