Reflecting on stroke dates

A strange tale.
I had my stroke 3 yrs ago 14th Feb 21. Attended hospital and was told it was a migraine, but they would book an mri scan. Had scan on 1st March 21. On 15 th March got call from stroke clinic saying I had clot/s on brain and to go to stroke emergency dept ASAP. They scanned and kept me in overnight and I went home with lots of new meds on 16th March 2021.
Now the 15th March is my birthday and since then I an not fussed about celebrating my birthday as I tend to have a bit of a reflection of Mar 15 2021.
My wife says move on and stop being a Victor Meldrew but I just have no enthusiasm for it.
She has suggested we invite friends round , but I said Not really and also being Covid averse don’t want to anyway.
She is a bit miffed about it - do I give in I really don’t know. Covid aside the two dates 14th feb and 15th march i just inwardly reflect so not good company for others.
My wife is an angel for putting up with me (pre and post stroke :rofl::rofl:) but just dont know


Thanks for the reply.
I get the moving on. I guess i just use them as extra jelly days were i basically dont plan to do anything much. It is just unfortunate the stroke was on valentines day and the confirmation on my birthday.
It is what it is i suppose


I totally understand the reflecting on the anniversary of major events but I try and do things to occupy my mind in a positive.way on those dates. If you want to reflect on the anniversary of your stroke confirmation perhaps you could compromise with your wife & “celebrate” your birthday on 16th instead?

If covid still bothers you maybe you could ask people to stay away if they might be poorly or use hand sanitiser. Life has to carry on though as Covid is not likely to disappear a bit like colds & flu.

Happy birthday for 15th.


Nothing wrong with a bit of reflection. I like to do it on New Year’s Eve, and find the burden of birthdays now to be a bit draining. As for you being like Victor Meldrew … I don’t believe it.


Have you considered that your might your wife might like to celebrate her husbands life. On the 14th Feb 21 your wife suffered a major traumatic event, her husband suffered a life threatening stroke, at the time she didn’t even know if he would live or die. And even though he did come home she still didn’t know when he might be snatched away from her again. Is she not entitled to a little celebration in honour of her husbands life. Just a thought :wink:



very good point, your wife probably needs to celebrate, you are alive and still with her, having friends round and having a bit of a do, would be a big thing for her, plus it would show your appreciation of her. my wife has been beyond brilliant, and I love her to bits for it, she loves my highs, and drags me through the lows, make your birthday a celebration of your wife, if you can.
All the best


Go on. Make a massive effort. You know she deserves every effort you’ll put towards this, and if you really want to change things, change yourself / pretend it’s a different month / anything that works. You’ll feel so much better if you take this step, and you won’t be able to say “same old, same old.” You’ll brighten up your wife, your friends and most importantly yourself. I know you’re trying to make a statement, as things are, but if you really want to make a statement celebrate while you still can… one day you won’t have the choice, and you’ll be no more… we’ll all be gone, so make the most of life this time around

good luck, it’s not easy, but celebrate!!!
ciao, Roland