Qigong Routine

Here’s the Qigong routine I treated myself to before teaching today
This is high level Qigong.

8 pieces of Silk Brocade
(Qigong Exercise : Judy K. Young)

Deep Breathing
Warmup : Swinging Arms

  1. Upholding the sky with 2 hands
  2. Pulling the bow
  3. Crane spreading wings
  4. Looking Backwards
  5. Left and Right swing
  6. Up and down stretch
  7. Diagonal knock
  8. Toe and heel bounce.

Enjoy, ciao, Roland


@Matthew1798 How do you rate Qigong Master Judy Young ?

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She is excellent!

I’ve done the 8 pieces of Silk Brocade for a few years. It is amazing!

Make sure you’re inhaling and exhaling when appropriate. I’m so happy you’re doing this – wow!

I’ve been trying to find some good leg exercises for you. I don’t want you to do something where you could easily fall. But really, Roland, what you posted above is EXCELLENT. I don’t know why I never posted that video for you. I’ve been following it for a few years. Sorry.

By the way, some of the exercises are way easier than they look – trust me! I actually got out of breath doing a few a while back.

Take good care.


I agree Matthew,

I’ve also followed her clips for quite some time. Pity she has only 3 on her channel, but if you come across anything at this level, please give me a shout ! I particularly like no talking, and she says she often makes a “hiss” sound on exhalation during demonstrations to show when breathing out to students.

I hope this inspires people here to start Qigong ; it really is a great discipline for stroke survivors.

Ciao, Roland

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True, but today I stood still for 2 minutes with feet together and eyes closed, no support. I think this deserves a Level-1 award in terms of balance, and I am looking to exercise and stimulate more proprioceptors to encourage them to come online.

thx, Roland


That’s good! Remember to go slowly. Don’t think about goals – just move forward and feel everything in the moment.

Hao-la! All is well, getting better.


Qigong practice focuses on mastering the art of breathing.
How we breathe has a vital effect on our well-being physically, mentally, and spiritually. As you gain more control of your breathing, you gain more mastery of the rest of your body.

Your heart beats slower and more effectively; Muscles relax.
Levels of nitric oxide increase, which relaxes blood vessel muscles and lowers blood pressure

Deep breathing is a signal to your body that the danger is over.
The fight-or-flight hormone production stops and your body returns to a neutral, peaceful state. Your mind becomes clear and you regain perspective.

This peace spills over into every part of your life.
Judy K Young


I love that! :heart: :100:

Take good care.


That is soooo peaceful …… saved it via YouTube to watch more times …. Wish I could manage all of it, but I can’t stand too long because of spinal probs, and had to smile at you standing with feet together … I can’t get my feet together because my right hip down to toe isn’t inline, which could be due to arthritis in hip and knee and so I would fall over :joy: …. but I should be ok to at least try something :+1:


Hello dear Roland,

How are you? I was on long holiday.

Are you improving with qigong?

Take good care.


Hey Matthew,

how was your holiday ? where to ?
I also went for 2 weeks on holiday to Kos, Greece…
It was very difficult to start with, then, gradually at first, the sun revived me, and I came back a different person!! Qigong is going well, I’m circulating my Qi and meditating. Very good. I am improving all the time, and making the most of the good weather here in UK… if it will last another day or 2 !!!

Take good care u2, have fun, ciao, Roland


I was on a long cruise in the Caribbean (mainly places in Mexico). While it was fantastic overall, I am just so exhausted. I’m glad to be back home, though.

I am glad that you’re doing well and that you’ve come back a different person after soaking up so much sun.

Keep up with the Qigong. It can only help you in the end.

Please take good care of yourself.


Thx Matthew, yes Qigong is here to stay now, and I was discussing it with my Chinese Dr today ! Mexico ? My cousin was trying to persuade me to go… one day !!


You still have your Chinese doctor? That’s fantastic.

We want to the Yucatan Peninsula. It was beautiful but super HOT (as soon as you get off the ship, you’re soaked in sweat). The heat was beyond belief.

Yes, it is gorgeous, and authentic Mexican food is delicious.

Some of the beaches were jaw-droppingly gorgeous. I hope to travel again in November but not sure where to.

Take good care.


Cancun ? that’s where my cousin just went… bravo

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We went to Costa Maya where the you can see the beautiful Mayan ruins. Also went to Cozumel (beautiful beaches and very serene).


Dear Roland,

I’m starting a new Qigong program with Robert Peng. It’s time to try a new teacher. I will let you know how it goes.

I haven’t done qigong for a few weeks while on holiday, and it’s been a big mistake. Once you start it, you need it. I’ve been feeling terrible qi stagnation everywhere.

Please take good care of yourself, and keep up the amazing progress. I’m your biggest cheerleader (lol…sorry if that sounds weird :grimacing:).


That’s great, Matthew

I am subscribed to a Robert Peng YouTube channel, so I presume it’s the same chap?
My holiday in Kos was a total eye opener. I have a red light panel, and I am hooked on the study of mitochondria… and of course, soaking up these last few days of Summer sun we are enjoying in the UK. The power of the sun has been a complete game changer… Sunlight is in our food ! and good water ! and great high quality nutrients, exercise and Bob’s your uncle !

My Radiologist friend declared I have discovered the “secret to my recovery”, and I totally agree with him. Not only am I reading “Mitochondria in health and disease” by Ray Griffiths, but if anyone is scientifically minded and cares to follow along here are some papers I am going through:

Not light reading, but it’s where my rehab has taken me,
Ciao, speak soon, Roland