Proving your ID when you have surrendered your driving licence

In today’s talk from the DVLA, a lady mentioned she hadn’t surrendered her licence as she needed it to prove her ID.

You can get a proof of age car that is recognised by the police, retailers and other organisations including being able to prove your ID in elections.

The issuers are part of the Proof of Age Standards Scheme (PASS). You can find a list of issuers on the PASS website.


Yes, I believe there are Government ID cards you can get as people without ID also need them to vote now.

I’m surprised the DVLA haven’t revoked the licence if they’re not able to drive and they’ve been asked to surrender it. Although, I wasn’t able to drive for a minimum of 3 months after my stroke but at no point was I asked to send my licence back.


They haven’t been asked to surrender it as they haven’t had to notify. Inigo from the DVLA said the are not concerned about how long ago the stroke was when they notify.


My stroke was 7 years ago and at no point was I told to surrender my driving licence or to inform the DVLA of my stroke. I have since renewed my licence and always use it as my proof of ID.


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Is it worth applying for a Blue Badge? In addition to its normal use I imagine it would also be acceptable as a form of I.D.

Blue Badge for Non Drivers
A Blue Badge can be used by non-drivers as well as drivers. If you are a non-driver, you can still apply for a Blue Badge if your disability or health condition affects your mobility. The badge is registered to a person, not a vehicle, so it can be used by any car you are travelling in, whether you are the driver or a passenger.

Good luck with that. Info about making an application is available online.

More info at:
Citizens Advice - Blue Badge

:writing_hand: :smiley: :+1:

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