Hi all! Not sure if this is an appropriate place to ask, but it’s worth a try…
My mother (85 years old) was diagnosed with a stroke in September, and recently re-admitted to hospital with a suspected further stroke.
There have been some issues with her care and communication from her doctors that concern me. Specifically, for various reasons my mother and I both wondered if she was having partial seizures in the aftermath. I requested an EEG and was told there were no seizures and it was not necessary.
When she was readmitted, a doctor diagnosed her with seizure activity and prescribed Keppra. We stopped due to side effects (with great resistance from the nurses), then her consultant told me she was diagnosed with seizures in September, when I queried this he agreed that yes the diagnosis of seizures was just this weekend and NOT September, but he refused to put her on any other anti-seizure medication, has refused to order an EEG, refuses to refer to neurology, and another doctor in the department has now said there are no seizures.
There is more of course, but that’s the gist!
All in all my mother and I are concerned about this and we would like to get copies of her notes and records reviewed by a private doctor for a second opinion. Happy (well, willing…) to pay handsomely for this, so long as it can be done quickly.
Essentially, I want a neurologist to review her notes, records and test results and give us independent advice as follows:
- are these episodes strokes, seizures, or something else?
- are any further investigations recommended?
- can they suggest treatment?
We live in Northern Ireland. Neurology provision here is woeful, but I would be extremely happy for a neurologist in London or elsewhere to review her records “on paper” only without a physical exam.
Can anyone suggest a clinic or specific neurologist who could undertake this?