Prestige AF

Hi Everyone.

Hope youve all had a Lovely BH.

Tomorrow I’m starting on a Trial called prestige AF which is Apaxiban.

There researching to see if anticoagulants need to be given to patients with ( cardiomyopathy) to prevent Clots.

I never had a clot, i went straight to a stroke, so been selected for this trial.

Is anyone else on this i was told theres only 3 from my Area ( West Yorkshire)

Fingers crossed all goes well as theres is a possibility i could have another Stroke.



@kermit69 good luck with the trial. Hope it all goes well & well done for taking part. Without people doing trials there would be no improvements to treatment.

Hope your bank holiday weekend has been good.

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Hi Kermit–I’ve been on Elequis (apaxiban) for 4 1/2 years now, since my ischemic stroke. I have not had any clots since then, and i have not had any ill effects from taking it ( 5 mg 2 times a day). (I also take low dose aspirin and dilitiazem for afib. ) The only thing I noticed is that if I bang my hand hard against something, I bruise or get a discoloration under the skin easily. I have had to break my habit of moving quickly to moving more slowly and purposefully. :slightly_smiling_face:Jeanne


Thankyou :blush:.

My thoughts exactly, i am a little nervous but sure i will be fine.

Have a Lovely week.

Thankyou Mrs5K :blush:.

My thoughts exactly, i am a little nervous but sure i will be fine.

Have a Lovely week.

I also take Eliquis (Apixaban) with no issues other than easily bruising. I have had one known bout with AFib (not due to medication)(likely due to illness) since being on the blood thinner, however I do not take any other medications for AFib and do not have cardiomyopothy

Thanks Joanne,

I know i was on Apaxiban for 8 days previously when i had my last stroke in December.
My Neurologist has said that the Apaxiban didnt cause previous stroke,just contrbuted to the bleed.

I. Hopeful this will not be the case again as they took me off it straight away.
There was nothing on any MRI/CT Scans that showed why stroke had happened roo.

I return to work tomorrow for the first time in 6 months, Nervous/worried im taking to much on,but will take 1 day at a time.

Have a Lovely Week.


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I am sending good thoughts your way for your work situation. I can’t imagine that at this point for me, but I do understand that every new situation SINCE the big event(s) is nerve wracking and worrisome. We don’t really have a clue how it will be, even if it was easy for us before. You have the right mindset, one day at a time, or one hour at a time…whatever works. Bless you.

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Thankyou DeAnn,

I wish you all the best too.

I believe we need to try keep positive, hard for some people i know.

I just tell myself when i wake up,ive been given a blessing to see another day.


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Hi, Well done for taking part in the trial, I hope it goes well. I’ve taken part in a few trials since my stroke in 2017. I like to feel useful and hope that it will be useful in the future if not directly to me.

Regards Sue


@kermit69 just wanted to wish you good luck with your first day back at work.

Taje it one day at a timev& take plenty of rests.

Best wishes.



Thankyou Loshy,

Wish you all the best too.


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Thanks Susan,

My thoughts exactly, its not for everyone i know, but if it helps 1 person i will be happy.

Have a Lovely Week.



Hi @kermit69

Bev!! Nice to ‘meet’ you.

How are you doing on apixiban? and also how ya doing in general?!

I started taking apix in early December 2022… It didn’t agree with me but I have heard it can work very well in some people.

I also didn’t have any clots as a warning that I know of - just bam 3 ischemic in 3 hours!

I’m doing ok but they still don’t know which blood thinners to give me now so for the moment on asprin only for my blood thinning - well along with the 11 other meds for other things!

I actually knew that apixiban was quite new but not that new!! Maybe I have been part of the study :roll_eyes: I will ask my consultatnt when I see him next!

Stay strong and here is a picture of a polar bear swimming to cheer you up!

Kieran :polar_bear: :wink:

Polar Bear Pictures: Stunning Photos of Polar Bears - Life in Norway

Ah ok 4.5 years so it must not be that new new!!! I had the bruising but also ended up with anaemia and other things and had to be hospitalised and have iron infusions and b-12 jabs and folic acid etc and I still take iron tabs today

K :polar_bear: :wink: :roll_eyes:

Hi Keiran,

Thankyou for that certainly a cute picture.
Sorry for the delay, im now back at work full time, so really shattered when i get home.

Im doing well on Apaxiban (fingers crossed) so far, i dont appear to be having any side affects,only Fatigue, which i expected.

Hope your well too :blush:


Hi Bev,

Wow that’s so great!! Glad you are back at work!! How is that? Are they supportive and get your fatigue? I hope so!!

That’s great re the apixi I am just weird I guess as my doctors keep telling me ha ha :rofl: :rofl: :wink: :polar_bear:

Here is another picture for you as you kindly liked the first one :polar_bear: :polar_bear:

15 polar bears to get you through the (not quite) polar vortex

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Awww so cute.

Weird lol id say your just special.

Hope all goes well for you.