Post stroke spasticity resolved

Are there any post stroke spasticity stroke survivors out there that have tesolved from spasticity phase? If so how kong where you in this phase of recovery? Was it very gradual ?


I still get occurrences. Two years since hospitalisation with stroke.

This might not be what you want to hear but I feel it is a process, one I donā€™t want to stop or avoid.
I feel it is basic brain and nerve repair that produces the over stimulation.
Almost two years since the stroke I am still getting substantial improvements in arm hand, leg and foot.
Iā€™ve yet a long way to go but much has improved since leaving the hospital.

As far as Iā€™m concerned they stabilised my condition and sent me home.

The next steps, a life timeā€™s work, is now with a little support largely up to me.

I wish you well, stay in touch, and . . .

keep on keepinā€™ on
:writing_hand: :smiley: :+1:



@Flashtron It really came on at the 6 month mark of my stroke. It is getting worse.
Soā€¦Iā€™ve had it whole right side now for about 8 months. Iā€™ve tried everything from drugs to exercise. Whole right side feel like cement. I believe our own Minniebee has had it for 9 years.

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Hi there,

While a very experienced physio said I did suffer from spasticity, he says Iā€™ve now progressed to a phase of spasms, and stiffness. This sounds great, but itā€™s similar, and still is an uphill struggle to live with this condition. Call it what you like, hyper-tone, increased muscle tone or otherā€¦

Stretches, movement, putting pressure on a muscle, and a bunch of minor tips and tricks (I keep an emergency ā€œto doā€ list for myself) are my main tools. I tell myself itā€™s only temporary, and that Iā€™m lucky that, soon, Iā€™ll be able to work my way out of this predicament.

Good luck, Roland


Hi Roland: Happy New Year.
What do you you mean by putting pressure on a muscle, please?
Cheers, Derek


Hi Derek,

exactly that; ā€œputting pressureā€ is the simplest way I can describe it. When I have locked-glute day, getting to sleep may be a problem with aches & pains. Whenever I roll onto my right side, and gravity squashes my bad leg, often with hips and my own body mass, and certainly the weight of the other leg on top, I manage to pacify the ache, often 'til it almost disappears. Another technique is to stand on one leg (the one that hurts). Thus gravity, or pressure, especially squashing a muscle brings relief. Itā€™s a well documented technique, which Iā€™m sure you know. One day my Chinese Dr. described this as putting pressure on a muscle, and it stuck. I could get my wife to sit on my leg, and weā€™d say the pressure was gravity, her weight, or applying pressure onto my leg.

Hope that clarifies, ciao, Roland


Thank you brother. sounds right.

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I have 2 acupuncture sessions a week. Yes, my Chinese Dr. can do remarkable things with muscle tone. While he canā€™t do anything long term, he can make a difference short term. I take CBD every night too, and that has special properties, and tremendous healing potential. Very relevant for neurological problems. On bad days I drink Tonic water. This has a trigger effect at 6 pm (because I have built up this event so that it is strongest at 6pm)

ciao, Roland


Bobbi have you tried sativex its approved in the uk for spasticity ive heard good things about this a mucousal spray canibis extract from sativa strand by jazz pharmaceuticals and gw yet approved in the states though.


Also Mtr-601 very promising targeted 1 pill a day therapy for stroke spasticity in phase 1 clinical trials in the states investigator motric bio it targets fast twitch muscle types iam really hopeful on this drug it targets the contritile proteins myosins very targeted approach. The muscle relaxers ive taken no results baclofen tizanadine shockwave acupuncture botoxshots all classes didnt have effect on me theres also a new non invasive device in the states called the myo regulator that will get fda approval in 2024 it has ce approval to mass produce after fda approval myo regulator by pathmaker


Hey there bobbi.3 months after my stroke and 3 weeks of being back at home i expirienced spontaneous recovery of my left arm and hand i could fully extend my fingers and raise my arm with no big effort ā€¦ then 4months after experiencing S. P recovery i ran into a regression of hand and arm wich i lost some of that sp recovery because of it still better than when i left the hospital a big blow to my welf esteem since i thougth i was out the woods from these side effects

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I have faith in the natural healing processes and am suspicious of interfering by using chemical, mechanical or other interventions.
From what I have seen artificial stimuli promising great results tends to disappoint over the long term, possibly actually delaying repair and recovery.
I am of the opinion that the promise that ā€˜quick fixesā€™ offers is a false trail.
Personally, I am in this for the long haul and believe gains can and will be made over time.
My experience tells me that this can be so.

keep on keepinā€™ on
:writing_hand: :grinning: :+1:

I agree that self esteem is very vulnerable after stroke.
You and your efforts are worthwhile.
Valuing and being kind to yourself gives an upward step in the right direction.

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Hello bobbi so whats your daily regimen of physical therapy that has recently brougth you some gains in your hand and arm was your leg also affected also do you currently have spasticity. Has it reduced over the last2years with just daily therapy excercises?like you mentioned you havent taken chemical treatments.

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I think my attitude in relation to stroke as a condition and yours are quite different.
Daily exercise, therapy sessions, spasticity (?), regimens, treatments and matters stroke related are obviously something that occupies the major part of your life.
I would say you are very professional and dedicated in relation to the matter.

I on the other hand have a less involved concern and like to involve myself in many things largely non stroke related.
In this way of living my life I am not inactive, uninvolved but I am not obsessed with my condition. This short text I am writing is about as focused on the subject of stroke as I am likely to get.

I would have great difficult answering the questions you pose, as by and large the subjects you mention do not occupy my attention to any degree.

Since leaving the hospital my condition has improved. I have good reason to believe that this healing process is ongoing and will continue.

keep on keepinā€™ on
:writing_hand: :smiley: :+1:


@pando @Bobbi @SimonInEdinburgh
Something just flashed in my mind today. Tara Tobias, an excellent Youtube Physical therapist whom I respect is Against strength training for spasticity. I always thought ;
well I love strength training so much as an avid body builder before my stroke, I just couldnā€™t give it up. All the research shows it also adds to longevity.
I do the Weights and machines 2 to 3 days a week. The day after an hourā€™s workout, the spasticity grips me ā€¦hard. Somethingā€¦the Lord, the universe, my inner selfā€¦at times whispers to me: ā€œstick to the gentle movements and aerobics, back off a little bit from the strength stuffā€.
Letā€™s see if that ā€œstill small voiceā€ is telling me something.
Example: yesterday I did light dumbbell curls with many reps and 4 sets. Today as I type this post my hand, elbow and shoulder feel like immovable iron.
We shall see.


nā€™est pas ??? my Dear Hercule Poirot: :grinning:
Simon, I think you have something there and certainly worth a try.
Iā€™m not sure about a week but perhaps a few days.
Thanks much, Derek


I agree with @SimonInEdinburgh, itā€™s certainly worth testing that out.
And why do I seem to recall us discussing something similar just a few weeks agoā€¦hmm :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :wink: Only teasing, but we did discuss you taking a week off from the strength training.

Why not leave the weights out altogether and concentrate more on the stretching and balance for a while. So more Tai Chi, light yoga, walking, exercise bike, that sort of thing. Concentrate more on taking and balancing your own body weight naturally.

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Thanks for the advice and reply wish i had your optimism about stroke recovery i fill my anxiety driven couriosity with questions the more i know the better i feel and more tools for recovery i aquire everything is useful to me excercise tips points of view thanx much really appreciated @ bobbi

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I go easy on stroke muscles ; I canā€™t do anything like the workout level that you do. I have tried doing nothing for a week, as per Simonā€™s suggestion. Itā€™s a very interesting experiment, and it gave / gives my body time to recover, and dissipate all sorts of aches and pains ā€¦ the gentle approach is the friendly approach, and a week off will not be long enough for muscles to wither away.

In my case week off or on I still get locked glute every other day. Today is locked glute, but nothing like the severity it used to be. Good luck, Roland


@pando @EmeraldEyes
Iā€™ll take you and Simonā€™s advice. I can use a good rest and catch up on my reading, painting and trying to play piano. You guys are the Beeā€™s Knees. :laughing: