Passive hand exercise

Look at my new toy to try and get my left hand operating properly

From America and has a right mit for mirror work.

Not cheap but as the NHS is borderline useless had to look out for myself.

There is a mirror hand glove so the robot cover emulates the right hand

The control box is rechargeable.
I’m trying to wake the brain up to my left hand.

Could be a game changer.


That’s some gadget @mrfrederickson. Looks impressive. Really hope it helps you get your hand movement back. Let us know how it goes.

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Here’s the box it comes in
I have to try something different and the USA is ahead of us


Will keep you posted

Must push the boundaries for my own sanity

Not cheap but what price do you put on recovery!!!


It’ll be worth every penny if you get the results you want from it. Good luck.


Absolutely I can but dream just like I dream of walking normally with good vision an driving again

Stroke survivors do this so no beyond the realms of possibility surely!!


How is the glove going

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