Pain relief

About to try carbamazepine,

After a few calls to the GPfinally got the prescription sent over to the pharmacy, now we wait till it’s delivered.

Anyone taken these before? Hopefully they work as nothing’s worked to date


@mrfrederickson glad you’ve finally got thecmeds sorted. Hopefully they will help give you the relief you seek :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

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Hi I haven’t taken this. I use gabapentin and heat pads for back pain. They work for me. Lilian.


Cheers good shout
Sadly gabapentine did not work for me about to try carbamazepine, will report back


Had tablet two will need a build up in my system to know if any improvements were made, managed to get ou and hobbled into the garden centre to get some clothing, time will tell.
The long and the short of it I could be as I am for life, once my wife cannot aid me I will be unable to survive, the future has hop mixed in with reality, let’s hope my luck changes and a big step forward for recovery is soon upon me


Well I’ve completed my first day on the new carbamazepine, things feel different but not totally painless, will see how a week goes as the dosage builds up in my system.


Some hopeful signs maybe. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

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Thanks great tip
I need a length of time to see the overall effect on my nerve pain

That’s the plan it’s of not as sensitive as beforehand but not as normal as the unaffected right leg, can do my 50 kettlebell swings twice a day with a 4kg weight so maybe a heavier one soon , used to be on 20 kg before the stroke, determined to get back to my old weights even if it’s one arm only.

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Thanks I try to give it my all and keep it up in the belief it will hasten my healing although I have limited evidence to prove this bar long term survivors stories so on we go.

Keep on doing smal amounts of exercise and fatigue will be less of an issue. I

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The exercise is now very important to me as I have been diagnosed as pre diabetic so need to burn blood sugar,
Just done 100 kettlebell swings one arm on a 4kg weight, then a further 3 minutes to finish off. I used to do 20kg swings pre strok hopping to get back as soon as my left side sorts itself outin my brain

4.2 km in 30 minutes on the exercise bike
Today just need to keep it up daily

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Well done @mrfrederickson you’re doing really well