Overdoing it?

Hi gang

Having a very slow start to the day today! Have actually managed to get up but not much else .

Yesterday we went to Pittenweem Arts Festival.

We parked with maybe a thousand other cars in the field behind the village, then walked down through the village to the harbour and back up to the car. I think we visited about 30 venues in 6hrs?: garages, summer houses, people’s front rooms or kitchens - all decked with the most amazing collection of interpretations of what art means. Met people who we had varying degrees of connection or completely different orbits around completely different focuses, met plenty of dogs to give a tickle too, didn’t see the man Lea particularly went to see! but bought Lea a very nice new top etc etc .

as is implied by the “walked down to the harbour” the village has quite a slope! so while my phone tells me we walked two miles yesterday we also walked up and down a lot. We also sat some inspiring gardens some with views over the sea and uncharacteristically the sun shone down without interludes of sleet and hail!

After a particularly early night the waves of fatigue are still ebbing. After two slices of fairly sugary marmalade with a slurp of coffee made from fresh ground beans a certain joie de vivre is seeping in to the space between my ears.

This is the milestone and the reason for the post :slight_smile: I don’t think I could have done this a year ago and it was pushing the limits. But you have to test them to know where they are and this test I seem to have bested

Might be over optimistic, or just plain full hardy! Because hopefully returning constitution will be enough to carry me through the stalls of the 100 plus craft market stalls around the church at the end of Princes Street and then to the free cello concert in st Giles cathedral that we’re going to this afternoon - it’s the height of the Edinburgh festival at the moment - the centre of town is a complete zoo of noise swirling people posters on every lamp post a complete overload of sensations - I may be mad, certainly it’s adventurous for a strokey brain.

It’s a form of milestone benchmarking recovery in an axis different from and integrative of all of the individual efforts within rehab

I expect many of you are further along this particular part of the road than me but I’m catching you up. I expect some of you are behind me on this road and to you I say you can do it too.

Ciao Simon


Well done Simon, that’s one heck of a lot more than I can manage at the moment. I overdid it yesterday with about a flat half mile but I’m only 72 days in. That looks like a brilliant event, think I’ll have a look if there’s anything happening around these parts. Well, look at that, you’ve inspired me!


I used to scuba dive from the next village, Anstruther. A trip to the Isle of May was part of the event.
I’m certain all of that would be beyond me at this time. Ah well, good memories though.


Well done Simon, looks like a great day out. Such a boost to your confidence, you’ve achieved so much in your recovery.

Have a nice quiet day today, you deserve it :clap: Build up your strength for your next day out.
Regards Sue


Well done Simon - a real achievement. I hope you have the energy to enjoy your afternoon plans.


@SimonInEdinburgh sounds like you had a great day out & have earned your rest day today. Sometimes the fatigue is worth it.


But you have to test your limit to know how far to go. And you used up all your spoons, you should’ve kept a reserve in your back pocket :wink: :smile:
Glad you had a good day out and this is just the icing on the cake, well worth a celebration :partying_face: :clap: :clap: :clap:


Hello @SimonInEdinburgh. Be adventurous and test the limits if it feels right to try. Sounds like a great time was had and use the confidence gained for your next challenge. We do not know what we are capable of as this stroke malarky never came with a manual.
Julia x


@SimonInEdinburgh Nah ya didna’ overdo it. More of these wonderful activities and events will make you stronger in mind and body, not to mention the sunshine and fresh air. Did they have what we call food trucks here in USA?
Gosh I miss sausage rolls, Tattie scones, and good fish and chips. Good on ye Simon.


Those pictures make me want to visit. Sounds like a joy to me, although we might need a pulley system to get me bacstrong textk up the hill!

Round two

Experimenting with stamina and fatigue limits, a WIN to be celebrated by me (and emulated by you perhaps?)

Friday was The arts Festival and a needed early night! Saturday was the cello concert in the cathedral, but before that we went to the craft market at st Johns at the end of Princes Street. A lot of stalls in an old Burke and Hare graveyard over several levels & a lot of bustel

We escaped the market without great expense despite finding many things that would be tempting if we had an income (Chair £1,800!!)

On the walk through Princes St gardens to St Giles the heavens opened really really heavily but only for 10 minutes - and wisely Lea had put rain capes in her bag. We’ve had them on the shelves by the front door for probably 20 years and we used them for the first time, and boy did we need them Saturday!

Took 40 minutes to walk from St John’s to st Giles & frequent stops. 3 years ago it might have taken 10 without any stops

The cello concert was a young Australian William Jack playing Fleetwood Mac, the Beatles, Bach & and his own compositions - many picked like playing a guitar rather than bowed. It was a freebie (My payback is the publicity of the link above!!), ran long for 30 mins more than advertised & was very well attended - I suspect we were in the minority by having pre booked tickets !
The 90 minutes sat was good recovery from the craft market and the walk - although cathedral chairs aren’t the most comfortable!

Then we had a light & late lunch and walked back to the car through another market that was closing down for the day. We said hello to our friend Gonzalez who runs the palea stall. He gave us a fresh cooked lobster to take home!! :slight_smile: that was supper - lobster salad & mineraly vihno Verde.

round three!

Sunday ( what a glutton for punishment) is our regular farmers market jaunt in the morning for vegetables, rabbit shoulders for the cat, marmalade, soap, butchery and this time a wee treat of cheese from Cedric the cheeseePeasee van man. Lea made an early morning tray of brownies for Gonzalez and the paella guys who are also at the Sunday farmers market as a thank you. Then on the way home a coffee and cake & chill hour in the quiet courtyard behind the house of Oz Festival venue chatting with the performers and catering staff. Bumped into some foodie friends of Lea’s there, over from Glasgow for a day at the festival, waited out another absolute torrential downpour that lasted 10 minutes and then home to vegetate .


The conclusion of all of this? Well despite starting each day slowly, and being out for between 4 and 6 hours and definitely feeling it - It didn’t accumulate to be worse over the 3 days :slight_smile:
I’m feeling fine this morning.
Lessons include:
Sitting for an hour or so pretty much met the needs of the recovery from the previous hour on the feet.
Coped ok with people and noise - although there wasn’t anything really loud and no really bright lights

All in all very pleased.

Won’t be renewing my blue badge!

A milestone on the journey :slight_smile:


Wow @SimonInEdinburgh thats a busy few days. I’m exhausted just reading it all :grin: well done though. It looks great there. I used to love visiting Edinburgh…my work sometimes took me there. One day I will return.


It has been a busy three days.
And Edinburgh is very busy at the moment from the festival which provided your either thoughtful about what you book or able to afford the ticket prices for potentially multiple shows per day!

It has been rewarding though and I hope my example inspires others



It’ll definitely inspire many I am sure.
I’m envious as my left leg hampers my walking greatly. Am not defeated though :grin::walking_woman::walking_woman::walking_woman::walking_woman::walking_woman:


What does it do or not to? Do you have any strategies for building its capability?

@SimonInEdinburgh my left foot won’t lift off the floor so I have to drag it along. I should add that in addition to my stroke I got diagnosed, about 6 months later, with Functional Neurological Disorder which is where the issues are. The problem I have is the signals are either not getting through or are scrambled. Not as easy to exercise out. I’ve tried all sorts with limited success. I have been told that I may be stuck with current mobility levels forever. It hampers me a lot mobility wise but I’m just trying to make the best of what I’ve got :grin: