
Hi- just out of Orpington, did anybody else come frm there ?  5 star as far as im concendrad

Hi Peterhall,

I was taken to the Princess Royal, Orpington on May 17 following my stroke. The stroke team were very professional and I had very good care. I was found to have stenosis of the left carotid artery and was transferred to King's Hospital to have a carotid endarterectomy 

The staff at King's were equally impressive, I am so grateful to them all. Their jobs have been made doubly difficult with this wretched virus but some how them keep smiling through.

I hope your experience was positive and you have had a good outcome.

Best Wishes


Hi, what a small World. 

I suffered a  hemorrhagic  stroke 3 years ago. I was  initially taken from home to the PRU  Hospital  at Farnborough  Common, Orpington.  From there I was transferred  to King's  college  Hospital, London,  after a couple  of weeks I was then transferred  to Lewisham  Hospital  where I stayed for 5 weeks. From Lewisham I then went to the Frank Cooksey Rehab Unit at Orpington  Hospital where I spent 3  months before being discharged. 

I had the best carepossible, although I can't  actually  remember  the early days but unfortunately  had very little  help or support  once I was discharged.  

Regards Sue

This is a particular bee in my bonnet. There is little after care.

To ring the changes I have now been treated for a faulty heart valve and I am in the 12 week rehab phase. The support for heart issues is out of sight compared to stroke. And the patients expectations are huge. Yet my rehab is just a few months. the rcovery is fast. But the stroke rehab takes years and is so slow you cant tell whats happening. We need a body to deal with this. GPs are far too busy and in any case most of our needs are met by lesser qualified people. The SA does its bit but its nowhere near sufficient. With all the poor souls being made redindant, now would be a brilliant time to set up an NHS after care program.


hi - sadly the same here, i am 2 weeks at home now and have a pile of questins but not a single rehab

YES, there is a differec to wghat say and what the locol autitye does,,