Not getting better

I am 10 weeks post coiling of aneurysm and stroke but do not feel that things are improving. Every morning I wake up feeling as if I have a hangover with accompanying nausea. My legs feel like jelly and generally feel dreadful. I have been trying to ease myself back to walking by doing very short walks but in general feel so weak. Am I expecting too much too soon or should I be improving slightly at this stage. Any advice grateful

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You have had a major op & also a stroke so you may be expecting too much too soon. Maybe try and do some light seated exercises to build up a bit of muscle strength in your legs. Look them up on YouTube as what you’ll be able to do will depend on your current level.of ability. Are you getting enough nutrition? Try supplement drinks if not.

You may want to speak to your dr or ring the hospital team who did the op for advice. Do you have a follow up appointment soon?

Best wishes


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Thank you. I have an appointment at the end of March. My partner who has been amazing, has just mentioned that maybe I should contact them too. I think he is worried about my slow recovery too, hence worrying that something is wrong which in turn has now got me worrying even more than before. I think my anxiety is making things worse too


I think if you are both worrying you should definitely give them a call. They can hopefully put your mind at rest. If they are concerned they will no doubt see you sooner.

Try not to get too anxious as that definitely won’t help. I know it isn’t that easy.

Best wishes



Yes! Thats the short answer. Stroke recovery doesn’t happen over night, and 10 weeks may as well be considered as over night.

But for your brain’s peace of mind, make a phone the phone call. Anxiety and stress can hinder stroke recovery, hold it back, its slow enough as it is so make a few calls and get that peace of mind.

Are you under your local stroke team, have they already been in contact with you? If so, you should have their contact number somewhere among your medical notes, and that would be a good place to start.


Thank you Lorraine. I will contact them for reassurance/advice. My anxiety and constant worry that something is wrong or going to happen is making everything worse and I know this is not going to help my recovery. I am trying so hard to stop worrying but cannot help it.


Hi . I had a stroke 14 months ago and wake up every morning feeling like I have been run over by a bus. Nevertheless through 6 months occupational therapy OT help and nurses from the stroke team, the local gym three times a week and my allotment I’m getting there. So you see it’s a long journey. I also have Carecall - an emergency helpline run by the local council - people I should have rang when I had my stroke - but I went to bed instead - a bad mistake. However , keep exercising , doing the OT exercises , and the walking with the sticks , and you will get stronger. I aim to get back skiing one day and I’m gonna make it. Set yourself a goal each day, be it a walk, gardening, trying out the bike - with caution, contact your local DVLA to get back to driving - you can drive an automatic if you take a small test - the hospital should tell you how. Good luck - all is not lost, you’ve been given a second chance at life - take it.

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Thank you very much, so glad you are making a great recovery. Your positivity is enlightening. I will take your advice on board and best of luck with your ongoing journey. Joy

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