Nmn for fatigue

Hi, has anyone had any experience with the vitamin’NMN’. It’s supposedly good for “tiredness, feeling old, brain Fog, boosted energy, enhanced sleep and reversible aging”. I’m thinking of trying it but it’s quite pricy and wondering if it has worked for anyone on here.
Really struggling with fatigue almost 2 years post stroke😶‍🌫️


Hello @Caty
Sorry to hear you’re struggling with post stroke fatigue, as do many on this forum.

I’ve personally never tried NMN but I’ve seen it on the British Supplements website which I use for the supplements I buy. I decided to read all the reviews and I’m impressed. So impressed, I think I might give it a go myself at some point!

Here’s the link if you want to have a look:

All the best.



Hello @Trace57 - I was doing some research on NMN after seeing @Caty 's post and when I came back following my research, I saw your response :slight_smile:

First and foremost, a disclaimer. I am no expert on vitamin NMN and I only express my views based on my experiences or understanding.

@Caty - I have NO experience of this vitamin NMN. I am sorry, I cannot help you on that front. But you post has led me to take interest in this for my own personal education.

Having made that clear, what follows can be ignored if you are only interested in personal experience of usage of vitamin NMN.

Trace - I note you visited the website of British Supplements of which you are a happy user - that’s good news as that for you this is a trusted source of the supplements you use :slight_smile:

I was particularly interested in your comment about all the positive reviews which impressed you so much that you may well go and try this NMN at some point. Again, that is fine.

I too was on the British Supplements website and make it clear I am not a customer nor have I ever come across them before today. Whilst I was looking at the NMN product, I noticed it had 312 reviews with an average rating of 4.67/5 based on these - impressive indeed.

Personally, I like to read the NEGATIVE reviews to see what the people who were not happy to say. :raccoon:

So I asked to see the lowest rated reviews (28 which were 3* or less) - Not one was displayed. Only the 5 * reviews are shown, no matter how I tried to review them. That is surprising :hushed:

Next, I note the most recent review is dated 02/10/2023 (American date format and so this is two years old). So ALL reviews on this product are more than 2 years old - another surprise (for me at least). :interrobang:

Finally, as I was reviewing, on the bottom left corner of my screen there was a rolling pop-up updating on recent sales.
This was something like, “Someone from Blackpool, bought product X in the last 3 minutes” …

As I was reading this, I saw no less than four purchases of vitamin NMN in the last 15 minutes (i.e. since I started looking) and I noticed one of the purchases was from a location “Merseywise” in the UK. I am not aware of a location in the UK by the name of Merseywise - but I am not an expert on UK geography and so I will allow that as a possible typo etc. :hushed: :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

Below is a screen print of the page I was looking at …

I had hoped to capture the NMN purchase, but did not manage it.

Anyway, based on the above, I am rather curious about the reviews.

  1. Why are only POSITIVE reviews shown?
  2. Why are there no reviews in the last two years for this product?

For me there are reasons to suspect this as a little bit dubious.
:warning:My biggest red flag is “no less than four purchases of vitamin NMN in the last 15 minutes” :warning:

What else can we do?

Having said that, I now offer this as an alternative view.

Clearly, we look for help anyway we can and so somehow we have come across this product called vitamin NMN which may be the answer to our prayers.

What can we do?

The product has got some following and so it may be worth a try.

What is the risk? (I cannot comment on the health risks - or UK medical association views).
Financial risk - A month’s supply of 30 capsules cost £53.48 (plus postage I guess) which works out at £1.79 (plus postage) a day.

… £1.79 a day is like they say in other financial product adverts, less than the price of a cup of coffee!

So if you wish to see if this vitamin NMN can be the answer to your prayers, you can try it for yourself for less than the price of a cup of coffee.

I thank you for endulging me.
Peace & Love.


I thoroughly enjoyed reading that :joy:

Sounds a bit suspicious. Selling ‘snake oil’ in my opinion.

Would be interested in hearing @pando s thoughts on the supplement


Thank you for your in depth response- I enjoyed reading it and I too always look at the lowest ratings, but like you said they are not shown! That must tell you something surly :thinking:
Iv found a cheaper alternative called ‘Vivanmn’ and I might give it a try. And to be honest at this point I will try anything to get the through the day. Although I’m only paid minimum wage so I’ll probably only be living off that and nothing else :rofl: I’ll order and report back after a while if anyone is interested!


Thank you! Iv looked at that and unfortunately it’s a bit out of my price range but I have found an alternative ‘vivanmn’ which I might try. NMN sounds a bit like the holy grail to cure fatigue so even if it helps just a little bit, I’ll give it a try!
Let me know and report back if you do try it, I’d love to (honestly) hear what you think :blush:


Be cautious with anything that sounds too good to be true… if it was the holy grail we would all be on it! Just my two cents.


Thank you @ManjiB for your diligence and comments❤️
I, too, have noticed that review dates are old but in defence of BS, they moved to new premises in the last year or so, are often short staffed and bring in Temps to help out. This could explain why the reviews haven’t been updated. I wrote a positive review myself last year but it hasn’t been uploaded to the website yet. There are quite a number of negative reviews generally, although these are mostly due to delayed shipping, which again could be due to staff shortages. I know they are looking to improve shipping times although I personally have never had any problems. I’m pretty sure @pando buys from BS.
BS is a relatively new company, founded by Chris Boyle in 2017. It seems to be expanding quickly due to the high quality products being sold. The two links below give more info:

The second link does point out that whoever is responding to the negative reviews has an aggressive and confrontational manner ( it may be Chris Boyle or it could be a member of staff🤷‍♀️). This is a bit concerning and could, I suppose, explain staff shortages if it’s the boss.
But that, in and of itself, has nothing to do with the quality of the products.

Personally, I think it’s a great company selling superior products that are actually made and produced by them on their own site.




hi there ; re Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN) I have not tried it personally, so I am unqualified to give an opinion of any sort. Indeed I have heard reports of it helping with fatigue. I would keep an open mind, until one has given it a chance. Fatigue is not really a permanent issue with me ; it only strikes me rarely, @Caty but I have taken Shilajit in the past… it certainly gave me a kick!

Indeed, @Trace57, well remembered, I do have an account with British Supplements.

With regards NMN I will contribute a thought or 2: As with all supplements I try and find the foods that have those ingredients so they are more bioavailable and natural for our bodies. Also, concerning any supplement or medicine - it’s our body that heals itself, not the supplement itself. If the body does not heal itself no medicine or supplement can!

Good luck, I’m keen to follow feedback on this, ciao, Roland


Just to confirm my suspicions, I visited the site again and waited on the page for 10 minutes.
During that time, the pop-ups in bottom left-hand corner told me there had been sales of the very product I was looking at 724g of NMN. In 10 minutes, someone from each of the following locations bought this product; Preston, Harrogate, Keighley and Oakley.

To me that is just naughty - it is mis-leading and could even be fraudulent or over-selling. It might lead me to think, hey I need to buy this right now as it’s selling at hot cakes.

Regardless of the quality of the product, I don’t approve of this type of practice.

That said, plenty of other online retailers engage in this practice.

Buyer beware!!



Caty - I am pleased you have found an alternative that is affordable, and I really hope it will help alleviate the suffering you are going through.

As I mentioned in my original response to you, think of it as buying a cup of coffee a day. And if you are happy to spend £1 day on coffee then a £1 a day on these tablets should be worth doing. If after a month you see no change, you can try again for a longer period or give it up and continue to search for something else.

I would suggest that you take care by:

  1. Monitoring your body for any potential side-effects (always try to do this when taking any medication)
  2. Taking care of the dosage (potency of the tablets). As I understand it, they come in different dosages e.g. 250 mg, 500mg, 724mg (British Supplements brand) and up to 1200mg).

As per point 2 above, the different strengths will likely be reflected in the price - obvious I know, but the 250 mg should be a lot cheaper than the 1200mg.

Personally, if I was venturing out, I would start on as low a dose as possible as I would not want to “shock” my body but the choice is yours.

Finally, my research suggests (and I have been unable to verify due to time constraints), that NMN has been banned by the FDA though the manufacturers are contesting this.
In an unregulated market, the quality of the products may be compromised and so some manufactures may be bulking up their products.

Again, Buyer Beware !!

Thank you.


Sounds like something related to vitamin b3 (nicotinamide)

If you are consuming a balanced diet you are very likely getting enough vitamins already.
A restricted regime can lead to problems which are usually resolved by eating a good variety of food.

Extra vitamins doesn’t mean ‘extra healthy.’


I would look at your diet first and maybe also get a blood test to see what you might be low in. Look at the amount of carbs you take in as they can influence fatigue as well as sleep. Maybe try cutting back on things like potatoes, rice, bread; I have type2 diabetes and they just knock me out.

@ManjiB Loved your research :smile: I did my own bit of research just now with similar results. But the best was when I read about the benefits which included “anti ageing”. I might have taken it a little bit seriously if they hadn’t thrown that in :smirk:

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Hi Emerald Eyes - Whilst doing my research, I noted that NMN is actually primarily an anti-aging product. It seems to have been to the forefront by Dr. David Sinclair who has interests in the product and there is some controversy about NMN as the FDA has banned it in the US.

I will not go into detail here as anyone who is interested can do an internet search and read the articles for themselves.

As a closure on this subject for myself and for Caty I would like to say that whilst this is an anti-aging product in the main, and controversies aside, it should not be discarded as a possible solution to helping with fatigue. Why?

Many effective drugs have been discovered by accident, viz Penicillin, Birth Control Pill, Viagra etc.

May be in years to come, NMN may be included in this list. In the meantime, I shall await the results of the trial that our “volunteer” is undertaking :slight_smile:

Take care.


@ManjiB The pop-ups are everywhere these days, unfortunately. I never pay attention to them because, if I’m honest, I’ve always questioned the veracity of them and certainly wouldn’t allow them to influence whether I might or might not buy a product. But they are annoying and could be seen as misleading, I guess😁
